
This means work affects home, and home affects work! Just a few years ago, I was way out of balance. My real estate flipping business was growing and it was becoming harder and harder to keep all the balls in the air. I started in real estate in 2006 and by 2014, had purchased, ren- ovated, and sold more than $52 million of multifamily assets. I had become so focused on making money and growing my business- es that I lost my way. I was at the top of my game; yet, instead of continuing to grow, I was Running my businesses had become a chore, and at home, I was physical- ly present but mentally absent. I knew something had to change and fast. I had to get back to the things that mattered: my family, my friends, and my faith. As I started to do things in the right spending most of my time putting out fires.

to fix the problem and alleviate stress. Turn off the phone. It is acceptable and healthy to occasionally discon- nect. Silencing the phone does not count as disconnecting. It does not matter when you disconnect, just that you do. Turn off your phone for 30 minutes a day and see how your relationships improve. ACTION NO. 2 Learn to Say No It can be hard to say no, especially to people who depend on us or to those we are trying to impress. We may feel guilty, or we may fear that the person will refuse us the next time we need help. However, learning to say no is one way of protecting your own work time and personal time. While we all sometimes will have to say yes to something that causes up- heaval in our day, learning to say no is a key skill to lessen stress. ACTION NO. 3 Exercise Daily Everyone knows that exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but it is also a key aspect to managing stress. Exercise affects people men- tally as well as physically. It produces endorphins that will improve your mood and helps with depression. In order to reap the benefits of exercise, however, you must be consistent with it. Choose an exercise you enjoy, start slowly, and schedule time to do it every day. Even walking briskly for 30 minutes a day counts! ACTION NO. 4 Improve Your Diet What we eat impacts our emotions and the way we handle stress. Eating well is an important factor in stress management. Unfortunately, our bodies crave fatty, salty foods in times of stress. Rather than giving in to fast food cravings, focus on getting healthy. Cut back sugar and caffeine because the highs will give you more energy,

but once you crash, you are left more exhausted than before. Increase your focus by eating small healthy snacks throughout the day to balance blood sugar and increase energy. ACTION NO. 5 Get Enough Sleep Many people are sleep deprived. Experts recommend sleeping between seven and nine hours a night. Sleep deprivation increases stress, weakens the immune system, and raises the risk of having an accident. Given the import- ant role that sleep plays in physical and mental health, it only makes sense to do everything in your power to improve your quality and quantity of sleep. ACTION NO. 6 Address Conflict Nothing can poison your mind quite like unaddressed conflict. Conflict is an everyday part of life, but it doesn’t have to rule you. When conflict arises, immediately address it. Leaving things unresolved causes massive, unnecessary stress. positive in every day. Too often we forget to be thankful and instead focus on all the “issues” we have in our lives. Get in the habit of focusing on the good and the victories. Take time every day to write down three, five, or ten things you are thankful for. Even if they are minor things, write them down. The contin- uous practice of being thankful helps keep you in a positive mindset even when life is challenging. • ACTION NO. 7 Be Thankful Gratitude is one way to find the

order, I was then able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. If you have ever been through this, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Here are seven actions you can immediately do that will have a HUGE impact on your quality of life: ACTION NO. 1 Turn Your Phone Off Cell phones have made it nearly impossible to escape the pressures of life. Now there is always a way for someone to reach us. Not only are we inundated with phone calls, but we also have emails and social networks to worry about. There is only one way

Nathan Tabor is an entrepreneur, author, business consultant, executive coach, trainer, speaker, professor, and author. He has founded and operatedmore than two dozen businesses since 1999, grossing over

$150 million in sales. Along the way, he has had some amazing successes and epic failures. His experience spans commercial real estate, automobile financing, direct product sales, web-basedmarketing, strategic partnership facilitation, and online educational courses. Learnmore at

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