Pathways_Magazine_Winter 2021


Rituals for Personal Growth and Sustained Happiness


A beautiful thing about the holiday season is the many rituals and traditions we observe that are passed down from generation to gen- eration: baking special treats, lighting candles, sending cards, deco- rating our homes, and sharing special meals with family and friends. They give us a sense of belonging across space and time, and connect- edness to our loved ones, past and present.  $VZHPRYHWRZDUGWKHHQGRIZHPD\WDNHVWRFNRIWKHSDVW year and begin to envision what we would like to manifest in the com- ing year. This is a perfect time to practice simple rituals to support your personal growth, sustain mental wellbeing, and nurture your soul. Rituals can take many forms: from simple to elaborate; by oneself or in community with others; you can follow prescribed formats, or you can make it up as you go along. What matters is that your ritual is performed with intention.  6RPH RI XV JUHZ XS ZLWK ULWXDOV DV SDUW RI IDPLO\ OLIH RWKHUV DUH learning to create their own. Our ancestors knew the importance of rituals, which gave us our modern holidays rooted in those ancient traditions, all containing certain things we do every year.  +HUH LVDQ LGHD IRUD VLPSOH1HZ<HDU ULWXDO)HHO IUHH WRDGDSW LW to suit your needs and personality. You can try this ritual alone, with family, or with friends.  ‡*DWKHUWKUHHHPSW\MDUVDQGGHFRUDWHHDFKRQHZLWKDKDQGPDGH ODEHO*UDWLWXGH/HWWLQJ*R,QWHQWLRQV  ‡7DNHDIHZPLQXWHVWRUHÀHFWRQZKDW\RXDUHJUDWHIXOIRUIURPWKH past year, then write down everything that comes to mind on a single SLHFHRISDSHU3ODFHWKHSDSHULQWKH*UDWLWXGHMDU  ‡1H[WUHÀHFWRQWKHWKLQJV\RX¶UHZLOOLQJWROHWJRRIIURPWKLV\HDU This can include people, experiences, material things, or emotions. :ULWHWKHPRQDSLHFHRISDSHUDQGSODFHLWLQ\RXU/HWWLQJ*RMDU  ‡)LQDOO\UHÀHFWRQWKHLQWHQWLRQV\RXZDQWWRPDQLIHVWLQWKHFRP - ing year. You may choose to think about aspects related to your health DQGZHOOEHLQJVSLULWXDOOLIHIDPLO\FUHDWLYHSXUVXLWVFDUHHU¿QDQFHV community service, and anything else that matters to you. Write down DOORIWKHVHWKLQJVRQDSLHFHRISDSHUDQGSODFHLWLQ\RXU,QWHQWLRQV jar.  ‡6HWDOO MDUVRQDQDOWDU LQ\RXUKRPHDQGR̆HUDSUD\HURU OLJKW DFDQGOHDVDZD\WRVHQGR̆\RXUZLVKHVDQGEOHVVLQJVLQWRWKHXQL - verse. You may choose to revisit your jars throughout the year and UHÀHFWRQ\RXULQWHQWLRQVDVRIWHQDV\RX¶GOLNH<RXPD\DOVRDGGQHZ lists to the jars as ideas come to you. As the year unfolds and our attention gets pulled between work, new tasks, and family needs, the intentions we set for ourselves can get lost in the details of everyday living. The jars we created with care to support our creativity, joy and wellbeing become sacred reminders of our chosen path and the way we can tend not only to the needs of the world, but also to our own inner lives.  ,QDGGLWLRQWRVHDVRQDOULWXDOVSUDFWLFLQJGDLO\RUZHHNO\ULWXDOVFDQ KDYHSRVLWLYHH̆HFWVRQ\RXUPHQWDODQGSK\VLFDOKHDOWK$VWXG\UH - YLHZLQJ  \HDUV RI UHVHDUFK RQ IDPLO\ ULWXDOV E\'U %DUEDUD )LHVH and colleagues showed that family rituals support improved physical health and stronger relationship. And we all know that when we take care of ourselves, we are better able to be there for our loved ones and our communities. Rituals are quintessential to our individual and community wellbeing. They help us become more empathetic and

Photo 176058420 © Helinloik |

kind to each other and to our shared human experience. They inspire and transform us at the same time.  +HUHDUHVRPHVLPSOHGDLO\ULWXDOV\RXFDQGRHDFKGD\HDFKZHHN or each month throughout the year to cultivate joy and inner balance, and support your overall wellbeing:  ‡7DNHPLQXWHVIRU\RXUVHOIDWWKHEHJLQQLQJDQGHQGRIWKHGD\ to light a candle, give gratitude for the blessings in your life, meditate, take a gentle walk observing nature, practice a form of exercise, jour- nal, or just be.  ‡7XUQ\RXUVKRZHULQWRDVHOISDPSHULQJH[SHULHQFHDQGGRQ¶WEH shy about singing in the shower. Research shows music is good for the body and soul, and elevates happiness. • Take an Epsom salt bath infused with your favorite essential oils. /LJKW D IHZ FDQGOHV%UHDWKH LQ UHOD[DWLRQEUHDWKHRXW WKH HYHU\GD\ stress.  ‡0DNH WLPH WR FUHDWH VRPHDUWGRRGOH LQD MRXUQDO FROODJHD IHZ images that resonate with you, make a card for a friend or a family member. Art-making awakens joy and inspiration and helps us sur- render to the creative process. • Read poetry or write your own poems. Poetry is medicine for the VRXO,WKHOSVXVKHDODQG¿QGODQJXDJHIRURXUULFKOLYHGH[SHULHQFH We wish you a very happy holiday season, and send you blessings IRU$QG LI\RXZRXOG OLNH WR VKDUH\RXU ULWXDOVZLWKXVSOHDVH feel free to email them. We would love to see what you have created. Mary Hoyt Kearns, founder and president of Your Stellar Self, LLC, is an intuitive coach, energy healer, author, and retreat leader with a passion for working with people of all ages to develop mind, body and VSLULWZHOOQHVV0DU\KROGVD3K'LQ'HYHORSPHQWDO3V\FKRORJ\LVD5HL - NL0DVWHU7HDFKHU&HUWL¿HG/LIH&RDFKDQGKDVDOVRVWXGLHGKHUEDOLVP SDVWOLIHUHJUHVVLRQDQGYDULRXVVKDPDQLVWLFWUDGLWLRQV  0DUJD)ULSS LV WKH&KLHI3ROOLQDWRURI*RRGDW0DUJD)ULSS6WXGLR $VDOLIHORQJZRPHQ¶VHPSRZHUPHQWOHDGHUDVHOIWDXJKWDUWLVWDQGH[ - pressive art therapist, she empowers conscious leaders, entrepreneurs, caregivers and wisdom seekers to sustain themselves, their causes and FRPPXQLWLHV DQG WKH HQYLURQPHQW0DUJD KDV DQ0$ LQ ([SUHVVLYH $UWV7KHUDS\ LV D4L*RQJ SUDFWLWLRQHU DQG KDV DOVR VWXGLHGPLQGIXO - QHVVDQGH[SUHVVLYHDUWVIRUKHDOLQJWUDXPDVXUYLYRUV

PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22—19

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