Pathways_Magazine_Winter 2021


Transcending the Wounds... ...continued from page 13

+HUHDUHMXVWDIHZZD\VLQZKLFKFDQKHOSWKHWUDXPDVRIRXUDQLPDO partners:  $QLPDO&RPPXQLFDWRUV  ±$QLPDOV DUH XVXDOO\ YHU\ZLOOLQJ WR speak up and share details regarding their condition, what they would like from their people, and sometimes the modality of choice to heal. They also can include preferences regarding emotional end-of-life de- cisions. (QHUJ\+HDOLQJ3UDFWLWLRQHUV ±0DQ\KHDOLQJPRGDOLWLHVVXFK DV 5HLNL 6HUHQLW\ 9LEUDWLRQ +HDOLQJŠ DQG 6KDPDQLF ZRUN FDQ EH performed remotely, and they can help to clear and resolve the past traumas and the trapped trauma in the sentience. $\XUYHGLF 3UDFWLWLRQHUV  ± $\XUYHGLF PHGLFLQH LV FHQWHUHG around achieving balance physically, emotionally, and environmen- tally. This practice can help heal wounds as a standalone approach or in concert with other modalities. +ROLVWLF9HWHULQDULDQV ±+RPHRSDWKLFVDFXSXQFWXUHDQG&KL - QHVHPHGLFLQHFDQEHDGGHGWRDYHWHULQDULDQ¶VWRRONLWR̆HULQJHQHUJ\ DQGZKROHERG\EDODQFLQJEHQH¿WVWRKHOSUHOHDVHWKHWUDXPDZRXQGV 0LQGIXO3UDFWLFHV ±:HNQRZRIWKHEHQH¿WVWKDWPHGLWDWLRQDQG <RJDSURYLGHIRUXV\HWRXUDQLPDOVEHQH¿WIURPRXUSUDFWLFHDVZHOO 2XU LQWHQWLRQVRXUHQHUJ\VWDWHKDV WKHSRZHU WRKHOSKHDO OHW¶V LQ - clude our pets in our daily routines. 3UD\HUDQG*URXS0HGLWDWLRQV ±$VZHZHOONQRZZKHUHWZR or more gather in his name, we can create miracles. Animals respond very well to intentional meditations, and these can be exceptionally KHOSIXOIRUZLOGDQLPDOVLQFULVHVVXFKDVÀRRGVDQGZLOG¿UHV &RQVFLRXV&RPPHUFH&RQVXPHU$ZDUHQHVV ±%\EHLQJHG - ucated and making selective choices, we can help to reduce the suf-

up on our thoughts, emotions, even our traumas via telepath channels. They feel and sense our thoughts and feelings and respond according- ly.  ,UHFHQWO\OHDUQHGRIDSHWJXDUGLDQZKRZDQWHGWRGRPRUHIRUWKH GRJ VKH DGRSWHG IURP D UHVFXH RUJDQL]DWLRQ 7KH GRJ EHKDYHG DQ[ - iously while on walks, especially when encountering strangers. The GRJ¶VSHUVRQWKRXJKWVKHZDVKHOSLQJE\OHWWLQJSHRSOHNQRZWKHGRJ ZDV³DUHVFXH´WRH[FXVHWKHGRJ¶VEHKDYLRU,QDQDQLPDOFRPPXQLFD - tion session, the dog expressed displeasure in this routine and did not ZDQWWREHFRQVLGHUHG³GL̆HUHQW´  ,QDVLPLODUVLWXDWLRQWKHSHUVRQRIDPL[HGEUHHGODUJHZKLWHGRJ DOVRDGRSWHGIURPDUHVFXHRUJDQL]DWLRQRIWHQUHFHLYHGWKHTXHVWLRQ ³:KDWEUHHG LVKH"´7KHSHUVRQZRXOGVD\ZHDUHXQFHUWDLQZHEH - lieve this or that, but his mother is a small black dog! The dog shared he did not like this statement, and that while he understood his person PHDQWQRKDUPKHZDVYHU\SURXGRIKLV³SHGLJUHH´DQGKLVPRWKHU Animals live in the now, in the moment, and while they experience the pains of illness, hurt, and trauma, unlike humans, they do not mentally dwell or ruminate on their condition. We should not lament on all of the ills of our society towards animals but remain aware with directed intention to transcend, to invoke healing of the wounds.  :HVKRXOGUHFRJQL]HWKHZRXQGVRIWUDXPDPD\EH LQWKHIRUPRI KLGGHQVFDUV,IPHGLFLQHDORQHGRHVQRWKHDOWKHFRQGLWLRQDQGLISUR - active training does not resolve the behavior, we can leverage the help of advocates and healers, working in concert with veterinarians to es- tablish a holistic view towards a healing path.

32—PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22

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