Harvesting the Light in the Darkness: Ground Yourself in Your Kuleana, Your Purpose
There is a space between vision and action that seems to demand a lonely vigil, when the bridge to clarity is built from scratch. Our daytime work connects us with multiple paths, brings us to necessary compromises, and teaches us new ways to persuade, negotiate and JURZ%XWWKHZRUNRIWKHQLJKWUHTXLUHVDGL̆HUHQWNLQGRIFRXUDJH ,WLVDWLPHRIZDNLQJGUHDPVLGHDVDQGVWUXJJOHVIURPDSODFHZLGH awake but half asleep. We may be restless because of doubts and fears, FLUFXPVWDQFHVEH\RQGRXU FRQWUROSX]]OHV WKDW WXUQ LQWR IUXVWUDWLQJ PHQWDOKDPVWHUZKHHOV FRQYHUVDWLRQV WKDWKDXQWXV%XW WKHVH ORQJ nights are also fertile times, if we let them lead us to a deeper commu- nion with the wisdom from the core of our being. Whether we call that *RGRXUVRXORUWKHFUHDWLYHIRUFHLWYLEUDWHVLQWKHGHHSTXLHW ,I ZH FDQ UHVLVW WXUQLQJ RQ WKH 79 WKLV JHQWOH LQQHU OLJKW VKLQHV more and more clearly as we ask :KDW LVPLQH WR GR":KDW LVP\ NXOHDQD" 0RUHWKDQZKDW\RXZDQWRUQHHGWKLVTXHVWLRQOHDGV\RXWR the person you are meant to become. ,W¶VVXFKDKHDOLQJTXHVWLRQIRUVOHHSOHVVQLJKWVRUZRUULHGPLQGV The answer that comes is naturally built on self-knowledge and humil- ity without shame, tapping into an honest understanding of our gifts DQGVWUHQJWKVDVZHOODVRXUÀDZV,QWKHGDUNQHVVDQGWKHTXLHWWKLV awareness is a spark that brings insight and a sense of peace. $QG WKDW¶V WKH OLJKW LQ WKH KHDUW RI WKH GDUNQHVV WKH EOHVVLQJ RI sleepless nights that leads us back to our true calling and gives us our next best step. Nurturing that spark brings us into a better relation- ship with ourselves and the world.
Want to experience life with greater joy and ease? Gong sound therapy , aka the lazy or smart person’s meditation, reduces the effects of stress on body, mind and spirit. Simply allow the vibration of the gong to wash over you. 50% off your first Private Gong Session With so much happening now, we all could use a spark that sets us on the right path, and brings us to an understanding of purpose, WKHELUWKULJKW+DZDLLDQVFDOORXU kuleana . This unique calling is deep- ly connected to our integrity and satisfaction in life, bringing us into aloha and balance: community strength with individual purpose, hu- PLOLW\KRQHVW\DQGUHVLOLHQFH,QHDFKRIXVWKH kuleana is simulta- QHRXVO\DUHVSRQVLELOLW\DQGDJLIW,WZLOOQRWOHWXVUHVWLIZHGHQ\LW :KDWHYHUGHFLVLRQVZH¶UHPDNLQJRUDYRLGLQJIURPWKHFRUHRIRXU being, our kuleana will guide next steps that transform insight into actions. , VWDUWHG WKLV DUWLFOH DW LQ WKHPRUQLQJ+DYH \RX DOVR IDFHG long, wakeful hours, like me, asking yourself :KDWLVPLQHWRGR" As we gradually shift back to public events, returning to work and FRQFHUWVDQGYLVLWVWKHZRUOGIHHOVGL̆HUHQWVRPHKRZPDLQO\EHFDXVH we have changed. There seem to be no easy answers, in our hearts or in the world. New possibilities are emerging, but often it feels like only XQFHUWDLQWLHV UHSODFH WKH IUDJLOH FHUWDLQWLHVZH¶YHPDQLIHVWHG GXULQJ pandemic isolation. We are called to step out from our small, safe cir- cles, and yet we hesitate. :KDWLVPLQHWRGRKHUHDQGQRZ" ,W¶VQRZRQGHUWKHUHDUHDIHZVOHHSOHVVQLJKWVIRUPRVWRIXVZKDW - HYHU RXU SXUSRVH ,V LW ZRUU\ RU SDVVLRQ RU LQVSLUDWLRQ WKDW GULYHV us from our beds when the veil is thin between the sacred and the RUGLQDU\"0RWKVEDWWHUWKHZLQGRZVZKHUHZHVLWSUHWHQGLQJWRUHDG :KDWLVPLQHWRGRLQDQXQFHUWDLQZRUOG"
continued on page 48
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PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22—47
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