Pathways_Magazine_Winter 2021


 +HUHDUH WKUHHZD\V WRPDNHVSDFH IRU WKHZLVGRPRISXUSRVHVR you can get back to sleep and wake with new insights: 1. Make room for wisdom; put down negative thoughts. This is both a literal and imaginative exercise. Whenever negative WKRXJKWVDULVH ³,¶PQRWJRRGHQRXJK´RU³,GLGWKDW>RUHYHU\WKLQJ"@ ZURQJ´ UHPHPEHUWKH\DUHQRWWUXWKVWKH\¶UHZRUULHVDQGIHDUVROG VWRULHVVWXFNLQ\RXUQHXUDOV\VWHP:K\OHWWKHPGLVWUDFW\RX",PDJ - LQHWKH\DUHOLWWOHVWRQHVDQG\RX¶UHZDONLQJRQDSHEEO\URDG7RVVWKH WKRXJKWWKDWOLWWOHVWRQHLQ\RXUVKRHEHKLQG\RXDQGGRQ¶WHYHQWU\ WR¿QGLWDJDLQ±LW¶VJRQH  'R WKLV DVPDQ\ WLPHV DV \RX QHHG DQG \RX¶OO ¿QG WKDW XQWUXWK - ful thought habit loses its power over time because you throw it away ZKHQHYHULWULVHV,WPD\WDNHDZHHNLWPD\WDNHDPRQWKLWPD\WDNH DGD\GHSHQGLQJRQKRZROGWKHWKRXJKWLV3HUVLVW,QWKHPLGGOHRI the night, you will toss away quite a few of these — but the more you GRWKHIDVWHU\RX¶OOKDYHFODULW\RISXUSRVHDQGUHVW 2. Remind yourself of your calling, as you know it now. %UHDWKHLWLQGHHSO\DQGUHOD[ZLWKWKHWKRXJKWRIWKDWJLIWWKDWKRSH for service and creativity, that fuels your most satisfying work and re- lationships. Remember yourself, and your distractions will fade. 3. Ask again, with an open heart, what is mine to do, here and now? +RQRULQJ SXUSRVHZH VKDUH IURP RXU VWUHQJWKV DFWLQJ from fearful shoulds, we move forward with co-dependent, impulsive decisions that bring us out of alignment with our kuleana . Whatever we choose to do, we are responsible for supporting the people we im- pact, and correcting any imbalances that happen as a result. Any next step should therefore grow out of our kuleana , so all our resources increase with grace in the world.  $OZD\V UHPHPEHU ZKHQ \RX DUHQ¶W VXUH ZKDW WR GR HPEUDFLQJ \RXUSXUSRVHZLOOHDVH\RXUIHDUDQGIXHO\RXUQH[WVWHSV+RQRU\RXU FDOOLQJDV\RXNQRZLWQRZDQGLQDVOHHSOHVVQLJKWNQRZ\RX¶UHQRW alone. We are all asking hard questions and facing challenging truths. %XW LQ WKHGDUNEHIRUH WKHGDZQ WKHUH LVDOZD\VDVSDUN WR OHDG\RX through. Take a deep dive into that darkness, knowing the light you need pulses in its creative center.  +HUH¶VKRSLQJDOORIXV¿QGVZHHWGUHDPVDQGVZHHWHUZDNLQJ  &DURO %XUEDQN KDV VWXGLHG WUDGLWLRQDO+DZDLLDQ KHDOLQJ IRU  \HDUVLQDOLQHDJHIURPWKH%LJ,VODQGDQG0DXL6KHLVDZULWHUZULW - ing mentor, editor, and educator, a specialist in creativity and sus- WDLQDEOHDQGKHDOWK\FKDQJH,QVKHIRXQGHGWKH6WRU\ZHDYLQJ Retreat Center, an intimate space for workshops, gatherings, and FRPPXQLW\7KLVDUWLFOH LVDQ H[SDQVLRQRIRQHRIKHUPRQWKO\ 6FL - HQFHRI0LQG0DJD]LQH OHDGHUVKLSDQGVSLULWXDOLW\FROXPQV<RXFDQ ¿QGRXWPRUHDERXWKHUDQGWKH&HQWHUDWKHUZHEVLWHZZZVWRU\ - ZHDYLQJFRP6KHFDQEHUHDFKHGDWFEXUEDQN#VWRU\ZHDYLQJFRP Harvesting the Light in the Darkness... ...continued from page 47


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48—PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22

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