Pathways_Magazine_Winter 2021



 +HOHQD$PRV0$F/$FLVD licensed acupuncturist, European SK\VLFLDQDQG)XQFWLRQDO0HGLFLQH )0 SUDFWLWLRQHUZLWK\HDUVRI clinical experience combining the best RIPRGHUQ)0ZLWKWKHDQFLHQWZLV - GRPRI7UDGLWLRQDO&KLQHVH0HGLFLQH 6KHLV)RXQGHU2ZQHURIWKH$10& LQ5RFNYLOOH0'DQGLVDYDLODEOHIRU LQṘFHDQGWHOHKHDOWK =RRPSKRQH  1XWULWLRQDO)0FRQVXOWDWLRQV Are you concerned about recur- ring infections? Fatigue? Pain and VWL̆QHVV"$UH\RXERWKHUHGE\IRRG DOOHUJLHV"'R\RXXQGHUVWDQGKRZ KRUPRQHVDQGLQÀDPPDWLRQFDQ D̆HFWZHLJKWORVVSURJUHVV"'LG\RX know insomnia, mood disorders and memory loss can be related to meno- pause, andropause, and adrenal insuf- ¿FLHQF\"'U$PRVWUHDWVWKHFDXVHV not just symptoms using modern tests and natural supplements with her comprehensive holistic approach to health care that includes: • Using acupuncture and other alternative modalities for a range of

health and wellness concerns.  ‡'HOLYHULQJḢFLHQWIDVWSDLQOHVV techniques for pain management and relief.  ‡$SSO\LQJFRPSXWHUL]HGELRHQ - HUJHWLFRUJDQPHULGLDQDQGDOOHUJ\ sensitivity testing.  ‡&KRRVLQJLQGLYLGXDOL]HGUHPHGLHV for gastrointestinal issues to comple- PHQWGHWR[L¿FDWLRQDQGUHEXLOGLQJ  ‡+HDOLQJ/\PHV\PSWRPVEUDLQ fog, numbness, joint pain, facial palsy and more.  ‡&UHDWLQJḢFLHQWFXVWRPZHLJKW loss protocols. • Addressing thyroid imbalances & adrenal fatigue to support healthy hormonal aging. • Treating sinusitis, asthma, mi- graines and more.  'LUHFWVKLSFXVWRPVXSSOHPHQWV including immunity-boosters & anti- YLUDOVFXVWRPL]HGSURWRFROV  1(:$FX0LFUR0LFURQHHGOLQJ for acne scars, hair loss, hyperpig- mentation, large pores, stretch marks, and stubborn wrinkles. The handheld

pen-like device uses small, penetrat- LQJQHHGOHVDWFXVWRPL]DEOHGHSWKV for precision delivery of anti-aging serums to create collagen and elastin, resulting in smoother, healthier skin with little to no downtime and lon- JHUODVWLQJH̆HFWV  &DOOWRVFKHGXOHD)5((PLQXWH FRQVXOWDWLRQPDNHWHOHKHDOWKRWKHU appointments, and order supple- ments. Our clinic adheres to the strictest health and safety guidelines at all times. $FXSXQFWXUH 1DWXUDO0HGLFLQH &OLQLF $10& +HOHQD$PRV0$F/$F(XUR Physician 5RFNYLOOH3LNH6XLWH 5RFNYLOOH0'  ZZZURFNYLOOHDFXSXQFWXUHPG FRP GRFWRUKHOHQD#JPDLOFRP )DFHERRN#$PRV$FXSXQFWXUH$QG - 1DWXUDO0HGLFLQH ,QVWDJUDP#KHOHQDDPRVQDWXUDOPHG - icine FHLYHGZDVGHHSDQGSXUH7KHH̆HFWV are long term and have impacted my OLIHRQPDQ\OHYHOVLQPDQ\DUHQDV´ Cindy W.  %LOO6DQGD¶VJLIWIRUEULQJLQJWKH healing energies of the Akashic Re- cords to others was revealed to him \HDUVDJR%LOOVD\V³,DPEOHVVHGWR discover my passion and path in life. An Akashic Clearing can heal on many levels: emotional, physical, mental, DQGVSLULWXDO´  %LOOR̆HUVERWKSULYDWHVHVVLRQVIRU adults, families and children as well DVVPDOOJURXSZRUNVKRSV+HFDQEH UHDFKHGDWRUELOOVDQ - GD#JPDLOFRP+LVJURXSOLVWLQJVFDQ be found at ZZZPHHWXSFRP +HDOLQJWKURXJK\RXU$NDVKLF 5HFRUGV


Helena Amos Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic


 ³«UHMRLFHWKDW\RXUQDPHVDUH UHFRUGHGLQKHDYHQ´ /XNH What if you could access the energetic lessons of your past— including the distant past of cellular memories and SUHYLRXVOLYHV",PDJLQHKRZDFFHVVLQJ this energy could change your life: you could resolve recurring patterns and issues; heal long-standing challenges; and empower future growth! You can access these healing ener- gies through your Akashic Records. The mysterious Akashic Records DUHDQHQHUJ\¿HOGWKDWFRQWDLQVD vibrational record of every soul and its journey. These Records are non-phys- ical, often described as a library, a ³XQLYHUVDOVXSHUFRPSXWHU´DQGHYHQ WKH³0LQGRI*RG´,QWKLVG\QDPLF ÀRZLQJHQHUJ\¿HOGRIWKHXQLYHUVH every thought, judgment, feeling,

word and action that occurs in all your lives are recorded . . . and those records are available to guide you through your present challenges. Through your Akashic Records, the experiences of your past lives can help you gain new perspectives, achieve healing in your present consciousness, DQGFRQQHFWZLWK\RXUHWHUQDO'LYLQH 6HOI%LOO¶VXQLTXHJLIWIRUFOHDUO\DF - cessing the healing capacity available from your Akashic Records and his compassion and clarity are a positive force for anyone who seeks clearing.  ³%LOOLVH[FHSWLRQDOO\JLIWHG«,W seemed that everyone erased years... looking so much younger and so much more relaxed and at peace than before the session. The shift happening for each person was actually physically YLVLEOH«7KHSHUVRQDOKHDOLQJ,UH -

HEALING through your AKASHIC RECORDS with Bill Sanda


Experience the future of relax- DWLRQ7KHDWPRVSKHUHLQD%OX Room is designed to insulate you from the outside world to allow you to relax and let go of the daily stressors. Putting it another way, WKH%OX5RRPSURYLGHVWKHDWPR - sphere where your brain is not busy responding to the stimulus of the everyday environment.  7KHPLQXWHVHVVLRQXVHV

selected music with healing frequencies and Narrowband 8OWUDYLROHW% 89% OLJKWWRUHOD[ and calm your mind. When you experience tranquility and peace, your mind has a wellbeing that is transmitted to your body. When you consistently experience a sense of wellbeing over time, it D̆HFWVWKHERG\OLNHVXQOLJKWXSRQ DÀRZHULQWKHPRUQLQJ

Warrenton Wellness boosts the RQO\%OX5RRPRQWKH(DVW&RDVW where you can experience this unique and uplifting atmosphere. 'LVFRYHUZKDWDPLQXWHVHV - VLRQRIGHHSUHOD[DWLRQLQ89% light and healing music can do for you! ZZZZDUUHQWRQZHOO - QHVVFRP

Warrenton Wellness

50—PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22

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