Pathways_Magazine_Winter 2021


Ten Signs Your Mouth is Making You Sick

Ancient &Modern Solutions for Health Acupuncture • Chinese Herbal Medicine • Ayurvedic Healthcare Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Treats acute and chronic pain including but not limited to—back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, sports injuries, and fibromyalgia Women’s and men’s health issues including low libido, impotence, menstrual disorders, and infertility Chronic fatigue syndrome; mental depression, anxiety; general overall health optimization, dry needling, and much more • &KURQLFLQIHFWLRQV can be due to harmful bacteria or infections OXUNLQJLQFDYLWDWLRQROGURRWFDQDOVDQGHYHQROG¿OOLQJVDQGFURZQV ,W¶V NQRZQ WKH EORRG VXSSO\ IRU WKH WRRWK LV WKH VDPH EORRG VXSSO\ for various parts of the body. Therefore, bacteria from the mouth can RFFXUULQJ 7KHUHIRUH LW¶V LPSRUWDQW WR FRQVLGHU ZKDW LV LQVLGH \RXU PRXWK2OGPHUFXU\¿OOLQJVFRQWDLQDQDYHUDJHRIPHUFXU\DQG UHOHDVH LWV WR[LQ IRU PRUH WKDQ  \HDUV 7KHVH WR[LQV FDQ SDVV WKH blood-brain barrier and placenta, causing heavy metal exposure and DYDULHW\RIV\PSWRPVVXFKDVKHDGDFKHV,QDGGLWLRQERQHLQIHFWLRQV in the jaw such as cavitation can also be a contributing factor. • $XWRLPPXQH GLVHDVH is connected to something called the ³WKUHHOHJJHGVWRRO´WKHRU\ZKLFKVXJJHVWVWKDWDXWRLPPXQHGLVHDVH is the result of a genetic predisposition, leaky gut, and environmental triggers. For example, if you are predisposed to have an autoimmune GLVHDVHDQGKDYHDOHDN\JXWRUDOLQIHFWLRQ HQYLURQPHQWDOIDFWRU FDQ trigger the autoimmune disease. • )RRGLQWROHUDQFHV are the result of dysbiosis, an imbalance of WKHJXW¶VPLFURELRPHRIEDFWHULDLQWKHRUDODQGJXWHQYLURQPHQW,I the mouth has such an imbalance, there is a large chance the gut has it, too. An imbalance of microbiome can often be caused by harsh bac- teria-killing oral care product such as alcohol-based mouthwash. The good microbiome is constantly being killed, allowing the bad microbi- ome to overgrow. Probiotic or prebiotic products are a good alterna- tive and can help restore the good oral microbiome. • -RLQWSDLQ LVFDXVHGE\LQÀDPPDWLRQRIWKHMRLQWV5HVHDUFKKDV discovered that people with joint pain are also likely to have oral in- fection, cavities, periodontal disease, and imbalanced of oral microbi- ome.


 0RVWSHRSOHWKLQNRIWKHPRXWKDVDSODFHZKHUHIRRGFRPHVLQDQG ZKHUH\RXVPLOH%XWLWLVIDUPRUHWKDQWKDW7KHPRXWKLVFRQVLGHUHG DVRQHRIWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWSDUWVRI\RXUERG\,W¶VWKHJDWHZD\WRWKH UHVWRI\RXUERG\DQGD̆HFWVWKHUHVWRIWKHERG\¶VKHDOWK7KHWUXWKLV your oral health impacts your systemic health and can manifest warn- ing signs of something more serious occurring.  ,QP\GHQWDOSUDFWLFH,KHOSSDWLHQWVXQGHUVWDQGWKHWHQFRPPRQ VLJQV RI DQ RUDO GHQWDO LPEDODQFHZKLFK FDQ XOWLPDWHO\ D̆HFWV \RXU overall health. • /HDN\JXW DQGGHQWDOLVVXHVDUHDFKLFNHQDQGHJJVLWXDWLRQ,W¶V hard to determine where exactly the problem starts, the gut or the mouth. This is because the mouth is the beginning of the gut, and DQ\WKLQJ WKDW HQWHUV WKHPRXWKDOVRHQWHUV WKHJXW ,W LVNQRZQ WKDW WKHVDPHW\SHRILQÀDPPDWLRQWKDWFDXVHVOHDN\JXWDOVRFDXVHVJXP disease. Without addressing the mouth, little progress can be made to heal the gut. • *ULQGLQJDQGFOHQFKLQJ is not just a bad habit but can be signs of stress, trauma, unresolved problems, and abnormal jaw position DQG JURZWK ,Q DGGLWLRQ JULQGLQJ DQG FOHQFKLQJ FDQ DOVR EH UHODWHG to sleep apnea and airway problems. The ultimate treatment for long lasting healing is to consider addressing the jaw and airway structure. • 1LJKWWLPHXULQDWLRQ is often connected with sleep apnea and DLUZD\ LVVXHV ,WFDQRFFXUHYHQ LI\RXGRQ¶W VQRUH7KLVD̆HFWVERWK DGXOWV DQG FKLOGUHQ ,W FDQ FDXVH ORQJWHUP GDPDJH RQ WKH RYHUDOO health. •  &KURQLF KHDGDFKHV can be a sign something more serious is

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Bonnie Gordon Patterino

68—PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22

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