Discover Rock Island Arsenal The history of the Rock Island Arsenal has withstood the test of time, undergoing many changes over the last 200 years. Numerous attractions and resources are available to the public, and visitors are welcome to take advantage of them all. “We are open to the public and we encourage you to visit,” says Col. William J. (Joe) Parker III, Rock Island Garrison Commander. “We are proud to be an integral part of the Quad Cities community and want to show how we are tied to the history of this area.” The Rock Island Arsenal
Historic Quarters One
Museum and the Mississippi River Visitor Center are popular spots to visit and are engaging for all ages. The Rock Island Arsenal Museum is the Army’s second oldest museum, dedicated to collecting, preserving, and interpreting the history of the Rock Island Arsenal. The exhibits tell the story of how diverse people, innovative manufacturing processes, and the production of cutting-edge military equipment have shaped the island’s past, present, and future. The Mississippi River Visitor Center includes an observation deck, museum, interactive displays, theatre, gift shop, small aquarium and one of the best views you will find on the Upper Mississippi River. Additional public attractions include Historic Quarters One , Rock Island National Cemetery , Memorial Park , The Attic Thrift Shop , Colonel Davenport House , a golf course, Clock Tower building tours, monthly guided tours, and much more. Receiving a visitor pass is easy and takes about three minutes at the Visitor Welcome Center at the
Rock Island Arsenal Museum
Moline gate. First-time visitors must present a valid state identification card, driver’s license, or valid U.S. passport. Once a pass is obtained, it is valid for a year and may be used at any gate to enter the Rock Island Arsenal.
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