Quad Cities Destination Guide


ART GALLERIES QC Public Art Trail qcarttrail.com (309) 277-0937

Colonel Davenport House - Rock Island Arsenal Davenport Drive, Rock Island IL davenporthouse.org (309) 786-7336 Dan Nagle Walnut Grove Pioneer Village 18817 290th St, Long Grove IA scottcountyiowa.gov (563) 328-3283

Catich & Morrissey Galleries (St. Ambrose University) 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA sau.edu (563) 333-6444 Geneseo Art League & Gallery 125 N State St, Geneseo IL geneseoartleagueandgallery.com (309) 944-4402 Hot Glass, Inc (Glass blowing studio & gallery) 104 Western Ave, Davenport IA

Deere-Wiman House & Butterworth Center 1105 8th St, Moline IL butterworthcenter.com (309) 743-2700

Family Museum (Award-winning children’s museum with interactive exhibits) 2900 Learning Campus Drive, Bettendorf IA familymuseum.org (563) 344-4106 Figge Art Museum (World-class collections & exhibits) 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA figgeartmuseum.org (563) 326-7804 Fryxell Geology Museum (Augustana College) 820 38th St, Rock Island IL augustana.edu/fryxellmuseum (309) 794-7318 German American Heritage Center & Museum (Honors German immigrant experience, history & culture) 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA gahc.org (563) 322-8844 Hauberg Estate 1300 24th St, Rock Island IL haubergestate.org (309) 373-5080 Hero Street Monument (Tribute to WWII service members) 202 1st Ave, Silvis IL silvisil.org (309) 221-0066 Iowa 80 Trucking Museum (Vintage trucks, gas pumps, signs & toys) 505 Sterling Dr, Walcott IA iowa80truckingmuseum.com (309) 788-9536 John Hauberg Museum 1800 46th Ave, Rock Island IL blackhawkpark.org (563) 370-5556

hotglassart.org (309) 236-9223

Isabel Bloom 736 Federal St, Davenport IA ibloom.com (563) 324-5135 Quad City Arts (Regional artists exhibits & shop) 1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL quadcityarts.com (309) 793-1213

Davenport Junior Theatre (Children’s theatre productions) 2282 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA davenportjuniortheatre.org (563) 326-7862 Galvin Fine Arts Center (St. Ambrose University) 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA sau.edu (563) 333-6251 Genesius Guild- Lincoln Park (Outdoor Shakespeare & Greek theatre) Lincoln Park, Rock Island IL genesius.org (309) 781-1763 It’s a Mystery 420 18th St, Rock Island IL itsamysteryqc.com (563) 344-9187

The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy (Bands, burlesque, drag shows & more) 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL thecirca21speakeasy.com (309) 786-7733 The Spotlight Theatre 1800 7th Ave, Moline IL thespotlighttheatreqc.com (309) 912-7647 MUSEUMS & SITES Bishop Hill Museum & Historic District (Historic Swedish settlement) 103 N Bishop Hill St, Bishop Hill IL visitbishophill.com (309) 927-3899 Bix Beiderbecke Museum & World Archives (Famous Davenport jazz legend) 129 N Main St, Davenport IA

Rutabaga Art 108 N State St, Geneseo IL

rutabagaart.com (309) 944-4994

The ARTery 3913 14th Ave, Rock Island IL arterypottery.square.site (309) 781-7668 THEATRE & DANCE Adler Theatre (Broadway concerts, comedies & plays) 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA davenportlive.com (563) 326-8500

Ballet Quad Cities (Ballet school & annual performances at local venues)

1611 5th Ave, Moline IL balletquadcities.com (309) 786-3779

Playcrafters Barn Theatre 4950 35th Ave, Moline IL

bixmuseum.org (563) 293-4046

playcrafters.com (309) 762-0330

Buffalo Bill Cody Homestead 28050 230th Ave, Princeton IA scottcountyiowa.gov (563) 225-2981 Buffalo Bill Museum 199 N Front St, LeClaire IA buffalobillmuseumleclaire.com (563) 289-5580 Center for Belgian Culture 1608 7th St, Moline IL belgianmuseumquadcities.org (309) 762-0167 Chippiannock Cemetery 2901 12th St, Rock Island IL chippiannock.com (309) 788-6622

Brunner Theatre Center (Augustana College) 3750 7th Ave, Rock Island IL augustana.edu/tickets (309) 794-7611

Quad City Music Guild 1584 34th Ave, Moline IL qcmusicguild.com (309) 762-6610

Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse (Historic theatre with dinner-theatre style events) 1828 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL circa21.com (309) 786-7733

Renwick Mansion (Tomfoolery on Tremont live comedy) 901 Tremont Ave, Davenport IA renwickmansion.net (563) 484-0202

Mississippi Spoon Gallery (World’s largest collection of spoons)

902 E River Dr, Davenport IA mississippispoongallery.com (563) 370-5556

ComedySportz Quad Cities 1800 7th Ave, Moline IL comedysportzqc.com (563) 650-2168

The Black Box Theatre 1623 5th Ave, Moline IL theblackboxtheatre.com (563) 284-2350

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