Quad Cities Destination Guide


ANTIQUES Antique Archaeology

MALL SHOPPING NorthPark Mall 320 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport IA north-park-mall-ia.com (563) 391-4500

Argrow’s House of Healing and Hope (Handmade bath products, gift shop & cafe) 3811 Harrison St, Davenport IA argrowshouse.org (563) 528-0892 Buttercupp Candles 429 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA buttercuppcandles.com (309) 429-2510 Calla Home and Design 1026 Mound St, Davenport IA callahomeanddesign.com (563) 441-0202 Crafted QC (Local & regional makers) 102 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA craftedqc.com

Major Art & Hobby Center 201 E 2nd St, Davenport IA majorartandhobby.com (563) 323-9042 Mary’s Diamonds and Jewelry 2115 E 12th St, Davenport IA (563) 344-9099 marysdiamondsandjewelry.com Navarro Canoe Company (Handcrafted composite & wood canoes) 2219 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL navarrocanoe.com (563) 265-1492 Necker’s Jewelers 4009 E 53rd St, Davenport IA neckersjewelers.com (563) 359-3941 Quartz Botanicals (Plant & crystal shop) 425 12th Ave, East Moline IL quartzbotanicals.com

(Home of American Pickers) 115 Davenport St, LeClaire IA antiquearchaeology.com (563) 265-3939 Country Fair Mall 504 W 1st Ave, Coal Valley IL (309) 799-3670 Dar - Jac Antiques & Jewelry 3115 14th Ave, Rock Island IL (309) 788-0251 Decades 521 N Cody Road, LeClaire IA (309) 314-7702 Doodads 430 W 3rd St, Davenport IA (563) 214-5109 Fred & Ethel’s (Specializing in mid-century items) 1326 30th St, Rock Island IL (309) 786-3511 Kindred Styles Antiques 1918 7th Ave, Rock Island IL (309) 236-4287 Mississippi Cottage Antiques 606 N Cody Road, LeClaire IA (563) 289-1515 Mississippi Marketplace 4004 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport IA mmpqc.com (563) 232-8788

SouthPark Mall 4500 16th St, Moline IL shopsouthparkmall-il.com (309) 797-8450

SHOPPING DISTRICTS 53rd Street Shopping Corridor (Name brands & national franchises) Davenport & Bettendorf IA

Aledo Main Street Aledo IL aledomainstreet.com

College Hilltop Rock Island IL

Dick’s House of Sport 5511 Elmore Ave, Davenport IA dickssportinggoods.com/ia/davenport (563) 355-7042

Downtown Davenport downtowndavenport.com

Downtown LeClaire visitleclaire.com

Shoppes on 2nd 1700 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL

Dona Vitae Interiors 834 15th Ave, East Moline IL (309) 281-1062

Downtown Moline molinecentre.org

The Fox & Bee 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA familymuseum.org (563) 344-4165 Trek Bicycle Store 3616 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA trekstoredavenport.com (563) 386-5533 Wallace’s Garden Center 2605 Devils Glen Rd, Bettendorf IA wallacesgardencenter.com (563) 332-4711 Wild Cherry Spoon Co 1527 47th Ave, Moline IL wildcherryspoonco.com (319) 440-0677 SPAS The Spa - Hotel Blackhawk 200 E 3rd St, Davenport IA hotelblackhawk.com (563) 322-0400 The Spa- Rhythm City Casino Resort 7077 Elmore Ave, Davenport IA rhythmcitycasino.com (563) 328-8062

Dot’s Pots (IL Made Maker) 2822 16th St, Moline IL MolinePotters (FB) (309) 736-7247

Downtown Rock Island downtownrockisland.com

East Moline Main Street emmainstreet.org

Figge Art Museum 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA figgeartmuseum.org (563) 326-7804 Fleet Feet 4257 Elmore Ave, Davenport IA fleetfeet.com (563) 355-1231

The Plex Neighborhood (Near TBK Bank Sports Complex) Bettendorf IA theplexqc.com

Neat Stuff 320 Brady St, Davenport IA (563) 323-3002

Village of East Davenport villageofeastdavenport.com

PJ’s Country Treasures 1723 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport IA (563) 391-4084

FARMERS MARKET Freight House Farmers Market 421 W River Dr, Davenport IA freighthousefarmersmarket.com (563) 770-3436

Iron Lion Disc Golf Supply 2630 16th St, Moline IL

Rust Belt Americana rustbeltamericana.com

ironliondgs.com (309) 757-7685

Skeleton Key Art & Antiques 520 18th St, Rock Island IL skeletonkeyqc.com (309) 324-1567 The Tattered Shoe 708 18th Ave, Moline IL (309) 644-0098 The Treasure Chest 2754 12th St, Rock Island IL (309) 200-2084 Vintage Rose 1305 30th St, Rock Island IL (309) 788-0771

Mercado on Fifth (Friday nights May-Oct.) 423 12th St, Moline IL mercadoonfifth.org (563) 499-4008

Isabel Bloom (Handcrafted sculptures) 736 Federal St, Davenport IA ibloom.com (563) 324-5135

Quad Cities Farmers Market Schwiebert Park, Rock Island IL

John Deere Store 1300 River Dr, Moline IL visitjohndeere.com (309) 765-1007 Julie’s Artistic Rose 1601 5th Ave, Moline IL juliesartisticrose.com (309) 762-2895

GIFTS & SPECIALITY STORES Allied Barber & Supply (Barber shop, men’s clothing & more) 224 W 3rd St, Davenport IA alliedbarber.com (563) 271-6761

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