by Dr. John Hunter Torchbearers’ Fellowship England
Jhß Mola in the Road
O NE OP THE JOYS of my ministry has been to visit various coun tries and see the outstanding work being accomplished by our mission aries. While in Manila, I was driving down a bumpy road in an old car. The steering wasn’t very good, for good automobiles are at a premium in that area. Frankly, I’ve never seen so many holes in any road. It would have seemed a good idea just to build a bridge across the holes they were so big. This was a very dangerous trip and the incessant rain added to our problems. Because of the water, one couldn’t tell where the holes were. The way might look safe-; however, when we got up to a hole, we had to swerve desperately to avoid disaster. This was all compli cated, too, by the erratic driving of the oncoming traffic. Suddenly we hit a deep rut which was so bad that the car tipped over on its side. We were stuck, to be sure. It was neces sary to wait until someone came along to pull us out. The point I'm trying to make is that what we hit didn’t look like a big hole. The water had seemed level with the top of the road. The way, however, soon became treacherous. We were really in trouble. My mind went to a verse from Proverbs 16:2 that reminds us, “All the ways of man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits.” Later in verse 25 we read, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” The way seems right, but in actuality, destruction is the result. The road there on the outskirts of Manila could have brought death to us. It certainly would have been that if we had been on a bicycle or motor cycle. 12
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? You may not be a bad or a wicked person. If you are going your own way, how ever, choosing to live your life your own way, satisfied with your own goodness, the Bible says you are heading for death. You may be pros pering, happy, without any th ing bothering you. Stop to consider the truth of Scripture. There is no mis take or variance from this scriptural truth. There are holes in your road of life. One of these days you will drop right through into a lost eter nity. On the other hand, God’s Word tells us that His way is perfect. If you will come the Lord’s way, you will find blessing, joy, peace, and eternal life. There are but two ways. Perhaps you have come to the cross roads in your pathway of life. God’s way may not look so exciting, but the great and wonderful thing is this: it is the only way that leads you to life everlasting. Change and come God’s way. Come to the cross, ac knowledging yourself as a sinner. Repent of your sin, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse you. The Saviour will come into your heart and bless you. Which way are you going to go, your own way or God’s? Will you declare, “Lord Jesus, I am going to follow You and Your way from now on.” May you do so now for His blessed name’s sake. Young people who are ambitious to play a big part in the drama of life should re member that a small roll is often better than a long loaf. * * * The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.
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