Biola Broadcaster - 1968-05

by Dr. John Hunter Torchbearers’ Fellowship England


T here are so many beautiful coun­ tries we have visited in the Orient among which one of our favorites is Taiwan. I must confess, however, I wds utterly amazed at the traffic in the bustling key c ity of Taipei. Should I take a taxi ride, my heart was always in my mouth. I have never seen so many cars and peddi- cabs in all my life. They all seemed to be going as fast as they could. Of course, each driver was blowing his horn. I am sure there must have been rules of the road. What they were, and whether the drivers obeyed them was another matter. Should you come to a comer and desire to make a turn, you couldn’t wait for someone to give you a chance. That would never come. You had to push in and just take your chances. It would often mean being brutal, but this was the only way to get anywhere. I couldn’t help but think how that all of these people were going their own way. They gave no heed to others whatsoever. It was hard ever to find a policeman to enforce any traffic regulations. Instead, chaos seemed to reign supreme. You know, I can’t help but com­ pare this with the way so many peo­ ple live today. They go their own way, pushing on, regardless of what it may mean for someone else. Do you know anybody like this? Has it ever happened to you? Maybe you are just going your own way and are determined to get by. Did you know that God has special laws which are sometimes called commandments? Have you ever stopped to realize that you may be continually b re a k in g God’s commandments? Do you tell lies? You may answer, “Doesn’t everybody ?” Of course they do. But

each time this happens they are breaking God’s law. Do you think dirty thoughts? Make no mistake about it, some day you will have to answer for this. All of the selfish­ ness, meanness, pride, ugliness, envy will be brought before you for judg­ ment. Here were people perhaps like you. They had gone their own way and had been heedless, careless, and thoughtless. Then they became Chris­ tians. They realized that they were going the wrong way and had come to God. They asked the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse them from their sins. As, by faith, they received the Saviour, He came by His Holy Spir­ it to dwell in them. To these people these words were written. “Once you were under God’s curse, doomed for­ ever for your sins.” If you have nev­ er come to Jesus Christ to receive Him as Saviour, you have condemned yourself. “You went along with the crowd and were just like all the others, full of sin, obeying Satan the mighty prince of the power of the air, who is at work right now in the hearts of those who are against the Lord.” “All of us used to be just as they are, our lives expressing the evil within us, doing every wicked thing we longed to do or thought about; we started out bad with evil natures born within us, and were under God’s anger just like everyone else. “But God is so rich in mercy; He loved us so much, “That even though we were spir­ itually dead and doomed by our sins, He gave us back our lives again when He raised Christ from the dead (only by His undeserved favor have we ever been saved). “And lifted us up from the grave t7

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