Biola Broadcaster - 1968-05

into glory along with Christ, where we sit with Him in the heavenly realms — all because of what Christ Jesus did; “And now God can always point to us as examples of how very, very rich His kindness is, as shown in all He has done for us through Jesus Christ. “Because of His kindness you have been saved through trusting Christ. And even trusting is not of your­ selves; it too is a gift from God. “Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done, so none of us can take any credit for it. “It is God Himself Who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus—lives which He planned out for us long ages ago to spend in helping others. “Never forget that once you were heathen, and that you were called godless and ‘unclean’ by the Jews. (But their hearts too were still un­ clean, even though they were going through the ceremonies and rituals of the godly, for they circumcised themselves as a sign of godliness.) “Remember that in those days you were living u tte r ly apart from Christ; you were enemies of God’s children and He had promised you no help. You were without God, with­ out hope. “But now you belong to Christ Jesus, and though you once were far away from God, now you have been brought very near to Him because of what Jesus Christ has done for you with His blood” (Ephesians 2:1-13, Living Letters). These are truly wonderful words. Would you like to know something about this? Stop planning your own way in all of the chaos of traffic. Come to Jesus Christ and find for­ giveness and peace. Do so today when you come to the cross, acknowledging your sins, repenting and turning from your sins, and asking Jesus Christ to save you. May He do so now for His name's sake. 18

HUMILITY AND MEEKNESS I counted dollars while God counted crosses; I counted gains while He counted losses. I counted my worth by the things gained in store But He sized me up by the scars that I bore, I coveted honors and sought degrees; He wept as He counted the hours on my knees. I never knew until one day by the grave How vain are the things that we spend life to save. "I WOULD FOLLOW, BUT . . Lord, I would follow, but— First I would leave things straight before I go— Collect my dues, and pay the debts I owe; Lest when I'm gone, and none is here to tend, Time's ruthless hand my garnering o'erthrow. Lord, I would follow, but— First I would see the end of this high road That stretches straight before me, fair and broad; So clear the way I cannot go astray. It surely leads me equally to God. Lord I would follow— yea. Follow I w ill— but first so much there is That claims me in life's vast emer­ gencies— Wrongs to be righted, great things to be done. Shall I neglect these vital urgencies? Who answers Christ's insistent call Must give himself, his life, his all. Without one backward look. Who sets his hand unto the plow And glances back with anxious brow, His calling hath mistook, Christ claims him wholly for his own; He must be Christ's and Christ's alone. — John Oxenham

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