Jesus Christ through salvation. Past sins are obliterated. Fear should also be done away. Of course, communion is not some thing one should lightly consider. Every believer should examine carefully and prayerfully his own heart in these times. To remain terrified is to doubt God’s willing ness to forgive. Q . Fairfield, Calif. — “Is it wrong to eat pork and shell fish? Also, what about wearing jewelry?” A. The Jews were given prohibi tions concerning swine’s flesh, as well as that of other unclean ani mals. Only fish with fins and scales could be used. Some meats are more healthful a n d wholesome than others. The purpose of God, however, w a s that His people might be kep t totally separate from the other nations. Even as today, so then was the call to con form in every area of life. The channel was to be kept pure for the coming of Christ, the Messiah. In the New Testament our Lord said that it was not what goes into a man that defiles him, for that doesn’t abide continually to mark and mar his character, but that which comes out of the heart. This is why God said, “I will create in you a new heart.” No, it is not wrong to eat pork and shell fish. We are not under the Levitical law. There may be some things you will want to avoid if they don’t agree with you, but this is not based on a religious ground. As far as jewelry is concerned, we need to ask the reason of the in dividual wearer. We are not to dress with a goal of drawing at tention to ourselves nor to appeal to the depraved nature of man. Dress so modestly so as not to look dowdy or conspicuous; exces siveness at either extreme is wrong.
Scripture to confirm the Lenten season. Is it something that was made o f man?” A. You are correct in that there is no Scripture affirming or con firming this man-made practice. Frankly, if those who are inclined to hold Lenten customs would do so all year long, manifesting in wardly the same degree of spirit uality as they would manifest out wardly, Christianity would be far more vital. We can all profit by maintaining certain s tan d a rd s each day of our lives. We are to be devoted to the Lord every day in the year. Q , Myrtle Point, Ore. — ‘‘What is the ‘concision’ mentioned in Phi- lippians 3:2?” A. Throughout the Epistles the Apostle Paul, under the inspira tion of Scripture, refers to those who were minimizing the Gospel of grace. They tried to add some thing to salvation by faith alone. Anything else brought in, how ever, negates its validity for then is it ineffective works and not grace, a free gift of God’s love. Some of the Judaizers would have forced Gentiles coming into the church to follow the rite of cir cumcision. Paul’s w a r n i n g is against those who would advocate the mutilation of the flesh as an adjunct to salvation. How deroga tory it is to the finished work of Christ to mix any act or earthly ordinance to what He alone could do for fallen man! Q . Caldwell, Idaho — “Is one held guilty before God when he par takes o f communion before he un derstands ? A recent convert is ter rified about this.” A. Whatever was the motive of heart before conversion, the saved one has been cleansed by the Lord 20
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