have sinned. Consider James 1:13- 15. Since Christ is God, no man ner of solicitation to evil could affect Him. At the same time, the temptations of Christ, recorded in the fourth chapters of - Matthew and Luke, show that they were very real. There was nothing in Him to respond to this solicitation by Satan. With us it is possible for us not to sin, but with the Lord Jesus Christ it was impossible for Him to sin. It is like the testing of a bridge. The engineers don’t expect the structure to fall; the test merely proves its strength. It is a wonderful thing to realize that the Saviour can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. Q. Peabody, Kan*. — “How would you answer a man who has said that there were others who wrote laws during the time that Moses wrote the Ten Commandments? How do you know that they are not ju st as important?” A. The difference is that Moses was led of God and guided by the Holy Spirit to write these perfect laws in the 15th century B.C. Archaeology does reveal that there were law codes much before this time. The way to measure the value is by the contents. Make any comparison you wish and you will see that while Moses’ writings deal with the things of one true God, the others pertain to the so cial, economics, commercial or oth er factors. Many of these which predate the Ten Commandments have no religious thrusts at all. These earlier codes never show any concept of mercy, pardon, lov ing-kindness, or grace. They are filled with superstitions, polythe ism, and idolatry. The Bible laws need fear nothing in comparison with others. There may be com parative religions in the world, but Christianity is not one of 21
Q. Coquille, Ore. — “In urging our grandchildren to memorize Scrip ture, should it he from the King James’ version, rather than one o f the newer translations?” A. Yes, in most every case, it would be the best for this pur pose. No version on the horizon to day has anything like the univer sal appeal of this God-blessed edi tion. Help the children to under stand what they are committing to memory or else it will be just so many words. Go over the words to make sure there are no problems. This way what they treasure away now will stand them in good stead throughout their lifetime. Q . Maywood, Calif. — “Please ex plain the 27th chapter o f Leviti cus concerning vows.” A. In Old Testament times, when an individual was grateful to the Lord for some deliverance or bless ing, he would purpose in his heart to do something special for the Lord. A son or daughter would be given to God. This was no human sacrifice but a dedication to the Lord. Since the child no doubt would be needed in the home, the parent would p a y a stipulated amount for redemption back .for service. The ritual is still carried on in orthodox Jewish homes. At the end of 30 days, the firstborn male child is bought back from the Jewish priest. This showed that God recognized the claim of the individual to belong entirely to Him. This was like a thank offer ing. Q . Edmonds, Wash. — “Would it have been possible fo r Christ to have sinned during His earthly m inistry?” A. Theologians have wrestled with this question for centuries. It was definitely impossible for Christ to
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