Biola Broadcaster - 1968-05

folks would th ink , that shows scriptural ground f o r fasting. Note that praying always goes with it. Our hearts must be so intent on certain objectives before God, that they are more important than a desire for food. We have no time to waste on eating until we have prayed. It is something too which should be entered into with a real spirit of humility. Q . Portland, Ore. — “I believe sal­ vation is eternal and s e c u r e through Jesus Christ. Others tell me it is possible for one’s name to be blotted out, and also for God to spew them out of His mouth because o f lukewarmness. Will you explain t h e seeming contradic­ tion?” A. One must be extremely care­ ful in taking a verse out of its proper context. It is easy to be confused hopelessly and helpless­ ly hy putting two entirely differ­ ent scriptures together. Salvation is eternal and secure through Je­ sus Christ, not just because we have wanted it to be so, but rath­ er because God has said it is so. Never put against a “verily, veri­ ly,” or a “thus saith the Lord” passage one which is not so clear or is obscure. See such verses as John 3:16; 5:24; 10:28-30; Rom. 10:9-10; Eph. 2:8-9. Those who tell us that it is possible for one’s name to be blotted out speak directly opposite to what we find in the book of Revelation. There is no place in the Bible which tells us that God spews individuals out of His mouth. The reference in Revelation deals with a church which has departed from its place of spiritual leadership. The Lord Christ Jesus says, “I will come into him, and I will sup with Him, and He with me.” The guest thus becomes the host. When someone brings up such questions as these, ask him for chapter and verse.

them. Thank the Lord, it is in a class all by itself. Q . Golden, Colo. — “What does houghed mean as mentioned in the hook of Joshua where is says ‘Joshua houghed the horses’?” A. The word is pronounced “hocked.” It does not have refer­ ence to our word today for pawn­ ing. It means to cut one of the horse’s legs at a very vital tendon which would put it out of commis­ sion, or hamstring the animal. In this case, God’s man Joshua ren­ dered his enemy’s cavalry helpless. Q . Vista, Calif. — “What does the phrase, ‘even to them that believe on His name’ mean?” A. This is taken from John 1:12. It may be the question concerns the word “even.” In the Author­ ized Version this word appears in italics, meaning it is not in the original. When the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, men refused to accept Him. In the face of this dark picture there is a ray of bright hope. There are some who did believe in Him. To them He gave the authority the power to become His children by faith. Receiving Christ is believing on His name as the Saviour. The last part of the 12th verse is equiva­ lent to an explanation of the first clause. Q . Powers, Ore. — "Do you believe in fasting and prayer as Christ did often fast? Why do you think that Christ fasted?” A. There is no indication in Scrip­ ture that Christ fasted often. We know that He prayed often. Mark 2:16 gives us p roo f for both points. There is no question but that through the Old and New Testaments there is some evidence, although not as much as some 22

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