Bob Thune, president of the Student Missionary Union, points out some details of counseling to students preparing to board the Biola buses for the Watts evangelistic outreach program. Bob is from Murdo, South Dakota. An open New Testament is shared by a Biola student with one of the boys who recently visited the Campus to hear football athletes share their testimonies of Christ.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life" quotes a Biota student at the right who is dealing with three boys trom the Watts area of South ern California. They were recently on the Campus during a special rally. More than 400 youth, out of the 2000 who were bused in, made first time decisions for the Lord. Bill Glass, all-pro defensive end for the Cleve land Browns, was the main speaker at the recent Biola Watts Rally held on the School's La Mirada Campus. Some two thousand boys and girls were bused from Watts to hear tes timonies of Christian athletes. Following this an opportunity was given for first time deci sions for Christ.
Biola College Missions Director Clyde Cook, talks with young people at the recent Urbana Inter-Varsity Missionary convention. The young woman is from Taiwan. 33
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