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(في ســبتمبر/ E . Tendayi Achiume ) راجع، مث ًلً، ما قالته المقررة األممية تنداي أشــيوم 51 ( ، عيَّنهــا مجلس حقوق اإلنســان التابــع لألمم المتحدة خامــس مقرر خاص معني 2017 أيلــول باألشــكال المعاصــرة للعنصريــة والتمييز العنصري وكره األجانب ومــا يتصل بذلك من تعصب 1 ). وتولــت مهامها في https :// www . ohchr . org / ar / special - procedures / sr - racism ( :) 2017 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني United Nations Human Rights Council, 44st session, Geneva, Palais des Nations, 15 July 2020, accessed May 22, 2022 . bit.ly/3zTVknZ وكذلك راجع: - Frank Sauer, Stepping back from the brink : Why multilateral regulation of autonomy in weapons systems is difficult, yet imperative and feasible, International Review of the Red Cross ( 2020 ) , 102 ( 913 ) , 235–259, accessed ) راجع، على سبيل المثال، الرسائل واألخبار والمقاالت اآلتية: 52 ( - Samuel Gibbs, Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer robots : Open letter signed by Tesla chief and Alphabet’s Mustafa Suleyman urges UN to block use of lethal autonomous weapons to prevent third age of war, The Guardian, August 20, 2017, accessed May 22, 2022 . bit.ly/3tQsvoy - Adam Satariano, Nick Cumming - Bruce and Rick Gladstone, Killer Robots Aren’t Science Fiction . A Push to Ban Them Is Growing ( A U . N . conference made little headway this week on limiting development and use of killer robots, prompting stepped - up calls to outlaw such weapons with a new treaty ) , The New York Times, December 17, 2021, accessed May 22, 2022 . nyti.ms/3NceGYt - Toby Walsh, How can you stop killer robots?, TEDxBerlin, October 8, 2015, accessed May 22, 2022. bit.ly/3OuEjER May 22, 2022 . bit.ly/3xBTCok

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