King's Business - 1964-05

He’s helped with a Christmas par­ ty, the first occasion of its kind most of the patients ever saw. Then there was the Thanksgiving party with pumpkin pie, the first pumpkin pie any leper had ever tasted. In addi­ tion there are the birthday parties for the members of the tiny Chris­ tian congregation. All of these are evidences of a Christian’s love for another, and above all else a testi­ mony Christians have been giving down through the centuries — Chris­ tians do love one another. But more is involved than mere Christian fellowship. There are the prayer sessions for the sick, furnishing

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Mt. Hermon, August 9-15

The Firs, August 16-23

This is Shimadan-San, a dedicated Christian who is losing his hands. It is a particular cross for him to bear since he is an artist and has built this “stone music corner ” as a landmark for the blind lepers. Once given up as incur­ able, prayers of his fellow believers have given new hope and he now has limited use of his hands. of tapes and a recorder to carry the Gospel service to the beds of those too sick to attend services. Pamphlets and Gospel tracts are purchased from their own monies and distributed to the entire hospital of some 1200 pa­ tients. In addition, special broadcasts are taped at the Chapel and then re­ played on the lepersarium’s own radio station. All of these are Sgt. Ontjes’ contribution to the outreach of the Gospel among these forgotten people. But whatever is done, it is merely a reflection of a genuine Christian love for those whom Christ also loved. And of course there is Bill’s faith. When I asked him who would take his place when he returned to the United States, he softly replied, “Just as God found me, He’ll find someone else to take my place. We’ll pray about it too, here and at Tama-gen- shoen, and you know God will hear and answer.”

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MAY, 1964

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