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Evangelize India Now! 400 MILLION NEED CHRIST Mission dollars win far more souls to Christ when used to train nationals in thorough heart and head preparation. $10 a month pays for room and board for a student at Hindustan Bible Institute, Madras, India.
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I Q u by Betty Bruechert
Dr. William W. Orr, Chairman of Board
Dr. Hugh Murchison, Vice-Chairman
Rev. Clinton Goodwin, Treasurer
R e c e n t l y a f r ie n d w r o t e u s for information regarding the sys tem entitled “The Camps Farthest Out.” She was in great distress be cause members of her family had be come involved with this group. The founder of CFO was Glenn Clark, one-time athletic coach and professor of Creative Religious Liv ing at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn, and now deceased. He established the first “ camp” at Lake Koronis, Paynesville, Minn. Such well-known people as Frank C. Lau- bach, Marcus Bach and Norman El liott have been associated with this movement which became popular through its “Meals for Millions.” Its camps now number 40. Its name sig nifies “ going all the way” and un fortunately it does seem to have gone all the way into a “Do it yourself’ religion. In the July 26, 1941 issue of The Sunday School Times the following appraisal of this system appeared: “ . . . There is no evidence that Glenn Clark or his followers believe that man is a sinner and needs a Saviour; that forgiveness and acceptance with God come only through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; that God is a just God, as well as a God of love, and that He must condemn and pun ish sin, and that this punishment has been borne for man by the Lord Jesus; that the Bible, which is the in spired Word of God, is the foundation of their movement, although refer ences are made to it. . . . We can only conclude that it is one of the many subtle modern substitutes for the true Gospel, and therefore dan gerous, and to be opposed and shunned by the true Christian.” Rev. Roy Knuteson in a fine article in The Discerner* documents five de partures from evangelical truth in the writings of Clark and other CFO writ ers: in regard to the person of Jesus Christ; the Word of God; “ the Father hood of God and brotherhood of man;” the new birth; prayer; and physical healing. Many terms such as “ divine spark in every man,” “ transcendent Christ,” “ sinless, death less, diseaseless order” are reminis cent of Unity, Christian Science and other unscriptural systems of the love — but no cross — variety. *Religion Analysis Service, Inc., 902 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis 3, Minn. THE KING 'S BUSINESS
Gentlemen: □ Please send information. □ Enclosed find $........... for student support. □ We would like to have Dr. Gupta speak on (date) ...v....,.:,.......__. (hour) .................iv. Second choice ................................ Name ... ......................... Address ........ ........................................................... "
HINDUSTAN BIBLE INSTITUTE, INC. Dtp«. K Box 2815 Terminal Annex Let Angeles, Calif. 90054
Dr. N. Paul V. Gupta, President and Director, is available now for speaking engagements
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Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, laboratory and hospital instructions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California jj_ State Board Examination and obtain the L V N Classes start in September and January. DENTISTRY
Four-month course. Approved by State of California Board of Dental Examiners, Department of Voca-{ tional and Professional Standards. ’ Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and laboratory work. Classes start in January. DISPENSARY Four-month course. Gives training, in laboratory analysis and clinical practice. Instruction on, how to set Lip a dispensary and. how to deal Intelligently with/ common ailments. Classes start in January.
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BIOLA SCHOOL OF M I S S IO N A R Y M E D I C I N E 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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