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“'7\A 7HAT MAKES y°u different?” a W pupil asked her teacher at the close of her first day in this particular classroom. A child with serious emotional problems, she had attended the classes o f other teach ers, but this day had been different because the teacher was different. Before she had had difficulty keeping her .attention on her work. This teacher was patient and kind; she seemed to understand; she smiled at her several times. Even though the child had accomplished little, there was no scolding or criticism. The teacher’s answer was natural and sincere. “ I am different because I have Jesus in my heart.” The little girl looked at her teacher with a puzzled expression and then turned and quickly left the room. Another day at the close of school she came to this teacher and asjced, “ Teacher, could I take Jesus into my heart?” She was assured that she could do this at that very moment. The teacher who was different helped a pupil find the One for her own life who made people different. The difference is not the result of better training. Some persons have a veneer of courtesy and good manners but underneath is selfishness. It is not the result of education. All teachers are well educated as a re quirement for their certification, but this little girl was aware that some teachers she had met were not dif ferent in this way. It is Christ in the life of a person that makes him different. People are searching for this strange attractiveness that results from Christ’s coming into a life. It is a constant overture to an unsaved person to find this attractive way of life for himself. One man said of a Christian friend, “ He has something I don’t have and I would like to have that same thing.” We can constantly dem onstrate the Christian life in action. This may open the door for the word of witness and the invitation to re ceive Christ as Saviour. Is it this that makes you different? Paul said, “ To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (I Corinthians 9:22). MAY, 1964
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