Peoplein Rev. Vernon Mortenson, general di rector of The Evangelical Alliance Mission, has announced that Austria has been designated as the fifth European mission field of TEAM. Austria has a Protestant minority of less than ten percent and very little active evangelical witness. It has also been noted that the spiritual needs of almost one-quarter of the world’s population in China behind the Bamboo Curtain will have priority attention of TEAM’S Far East radio broadcasts. Inchon, Ko rea is the site for TEAM’S 50,000- watt radio station which is the only medium-wave station now covering the whole of northeast China, Man churia and Mongolia. Four hours of Mandarin Chinese programs pro duced by TEAM in their Taiwan studios are heard daily over HLKX. Many of these programs also are beamed over the Far East Broad casting Company stations in the Philippines and Okinawa into south ern and central China. Dr. J. Vernon McGee and Dr. S. Frank lin Logsdon will be among the speak
year, Dallas Seminary will graduate 57 men. Joon Lew, M.D., Ph.D., recently re ceived World Vision’s 1964 Chris tian Service Award for his outstand ing work in conquering leprosy. Dr. Lew is one of the world’s leading campaigners in the battle against leprosy. He has been active in the fight for more than 25 years, and nearly a decade ago founded the Ko rean Leprosy Association. Through World Vision’s aid he established a skin clinic and directed the building of the Special Skin Clinic in Seoul. Dr. George L. Ford, executive vice president of the Winona Lake Bible Conference, Winona Lake, Indiana, has been granted the George Wash ington Meda l by the Freedom’s Foundation of Valley Forge for his convocation address “ The Law of Liberty in the Life of America,” de livered at Spring Arbor College, Spring Arbor, Michigan. The award winning address deals with the es tablishment of freedom through law in contrast to the tyranny that comes by the rule of man. It stresses the place of the law of God in the life of a nation and the special freedom enjoyed in America because of the spiritual foundations of American life. Dr. W illiam Graham Scroggie's book, A Guide to the Gospels, is the text for the first graduate-level corres pondence c ou r s e offered by the Moody Correspondence School, “ The Gospels.” “ The Gospels” has been prepared to give students a system atic study of the Gospel accounts. It begins with the background and syn thesis o f the Gospels and continues into an analytical and Christological study of the books. Those wishing to enroll must first make application with Moody Correspondence School in Chicago. Upon acceptance and payment of fees, study materials will be mailed. Dr. Paul E. Loth, president o f the Evangelical Teacher Training Asso ciation, has announced that E.T.T.A. membership has been increasing among liberal arts colleges and grad uate seminaries, and that Diploma requirements for graduates of Mem ber Schools have also been strength ened to assure standards of excel lence among those presenting the Courses in the Leadership Training program recommended by the Asso ciation. THE KING'S BUSINESS
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