King's Business - 1964-05

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Perhaps KING’S BUSINESS read­ ers might like to know a good place for good Chr i s t i an magazines, Sunday school papers, pamphlets, and what- have-you. I used to save them all and often reread many of them. One day it dawned on me that there would al­ ways be a fresh supply of reading ma­ terial, and it was no use being like the Dead Sea — constantly receiving, never giving. Now I roll them up in brown paper (grocery bags), mark them “ Sea Mail” and send them over­ seas to pen-friends and missionaries. They are all delighted with English reading material and read them till they fall apart. The mailing cost is small. In many nations the people will read anything. Why not our excess Christian material? “ The Lord gave the Word, great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm 68:11). Mrs. C. D. Brown, La Puente, California OTH ER CO V ER C O M M E N T S In regard to “ Anonymous from Selma, California” (February 1964 Reader Reaction) I would like to say that I can’t see withholding a magazine so designed to show forth God and sal­ vation through Christ because of a cov­ er. In these days how we need to avoid hair-splitting over trivialities. How we, as individuals before God, need an awareness of and carefulness against self deception. “ Finally brethren, what­ soever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatso­ ever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on THESE things.” Beverly J. Davis, Madera, California Just a word to let you know I receive THE KING’S BUSINESS and think it is one of the finest. I teach a Sunday school class and a training union, and this magazine along with many other fine Christian magazines that come to my home are appreciated. I enjoy read­ ing “ Reader Reaction.” However some­ times I can’t see why one would write a letter such as was in the February issue in regard to the magazine cov­ ers. Personally I think the covers are beautiful. I cut the pictures out and use them in the Beginners class and the Junior class too. People are so different. It’s hard to understand why one would sit down and write you and tell you that be­ cause of the covers of the magazine you have left God out. God bless you. Keep on publishing the truth, cover and all. Mrs. D. Weir, Dallas Texas

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