King's Business - 1964-05

a message from the editor ^


welcomes qualified applicants . . .

L o ca te d on a w ood ed , 33 -acre campus, six miles northwest of Wheaton, Illinois .. . the Academy offers academic preparation for schools of higher education. Fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Second­ ary Schools, it provides for your son’s and daughter’s all-around de­ velopm ent-intellectual, spiritual, social and physical life. Write or phone today for admission end placement procedure—-Phone 231-0727 WHEATON ACADEMY, Dept. K54 Box 267 Wheaton, llliifois LOOKING FOR A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL? (Elementary and Secondary) Teachers — our placement office serves 200 schools Parents — our directory lists schools in 40 States NAT IONA L ASSOC IAT ION OF CHR IST IAN SCHOOLS Department K5 P.O. Box 28 Wheaton, Illinois CEYLON and IND IA GENERAL M ISS ION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship Our ministry includes CO R RESPOND EN C E COURSES in the vernacular Member I.F.M.A. Write for Free literature 107-K N. Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187


A Timely Warning by a Great American

tions "W ith the advent of spring and the following summer months, law enforcement can, with reasonable certainty, expect a 20-percent rise in forcible rapes and a large increase in sexual assaults and child molestations. Again, as in the past, police au­ thorities will muster their forces, issue and broadcast public warn­ ings, and take all possible precautions to stem this rising flood of perversion and rapacity, knowing all the while that their utmost efforts alone will not be enough. "A ll too often law enforcement is confronted with the de­ plorable results of a sex crime that might have been prevented by the proper instruction at home by parents, by prompt re­ porting of sexual deviates to police, and by realistic punishment of offenders by the courts. "There is little doubt that many sex crimes are the products THE KING 'S BUSINESS T *HE STATEMENT appearing below was published re- cently over the signature of J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau o f Investigation. It is being published with com­ ments because of its timeliness, pertinence and straight-from-the- shoulder warning to the American public (Christians included) as to the dangers confronting us. ''There are few crimes, if any, more brutal, more shocking, or more revolting to a civilized conscience than those committed by sexual degenerates. "Some months ago a young woman was brutally attacked and slain by a maniacal killer who repeatedly stabbed the victim with a knife and left her body wrapped in a transparent laundry bag. The perpetrator of this vicious crime had been convicted for rape 4 years previously and was out on parole at the time of the murder. "Another example involved the enticement of an 11-year-old boy by a strange man into an automobile. The young boy’s body was found 4 days later bearing evidence of severe sexual assault. The assailant was identified and readily admitted the crime. Be­ hind him lay a long, sordid record of perverted sexual behavior. Obviously, errors in evaluating the dangerousness of such deviates can result in the tragic waste of young life.

" A N S W E R B O O K " shows "Around the W orld w ith C h rist" 1 0 -d a y a n d 5 * d a y courses for Vacation B ible S ch o o l. Send for it nowl Dept.VK54


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Glendale 5, Calif. • Mound, Minn. • Toronto

l E . H V E . C . I — All Independent, Conservative, Pastors and Churches, are invited to inquire about ordina­ tion and membership requirements. Write to: Dept. K


2057 Lawrence Ave.

Chicago 25, III.


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