Master of Divinity Program Philosophy of the Divinity Program The M.Div. curr iculum of Talbot Semi nary and School of Theology is designed to foster the purposes for which the semi nary was established - preparation for the propagation of the faith. This purpose entails an accurate knowledge of the Word of God, the source of faith, and the effec tive means of its communication. The course of study is therefore designed around these two basic foci . Believi ng firmly that God in love and grace has provided an answer for the needs of the world in Jesus Christ and that this Jesus is none other t han the Christ of the Scriptures, Talbot emphasizes a knowl edge of t he cont ent of the Word of God. So that the Word may be known and ex pounded accurately and authoritatively, matters of biblical background, including the languages of the Old and New Testa ments, are studied. Sound principles of lit erary interpretation are also explored as a basis for the next logical step which is the interpretation of the Scriptures. On the basis of such interpretation there comes systematic study so as to organize various parts of the Word into theological cat egories. Since the faith of today does not stand alone, but is rooted in past centuries dur ing which God has preserved and instruct ed His people, cognizance of this heritage is taken in a study of history of the church and its doctrine. Previous interaction be tween faith and the world provides a basis for understanding modern times.
It is the seminary's aim that this knowl edge of the faith first grip the life of the student himself. and then motivate him to share it with the world. In accord w ith this latter aim 1nstruct1on is given 1n vital areas of ministry and communication. From the prepa1·ation and delivery of sermons to in dividual involvement in counseling, the cur riculum 1s designed to provide 1nstruct1on which will facilitate propagation of the faith 1n the various fields of God's call. W ith recognition that the Great Com mission commands the church to go into the world to minister to all peoples, the cross-currents of modern thought are considered relevant to the preparation of God's minister. Throughout the course of instruction, interaction provided with var ious perspect ives for the purpose of incul cating their contributions and understand ing their divergencies. All the while they are measured by the pattern of the Word. The goal of the various disciplines dis cussed above is reached in the exposition of the Word. With the broad foundation thus laid the servant of God is able to min ister to people effectively. This is done by drawing from the various segments of his exposure and expounding the Scriptures both accurately and in a manner that is in teresting and pertinent to his listeners. Admission Requirements All applicants, to be accepted, must hold the Bachelor of Arts degree, or its aca demic equivalent. They must have a 2.6 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average. Those not meeting this latter requirement, 1f ac cepted, will be placed on probation. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provi sional acceptance, though exceptions may be made when the grade point average is 30 or higher. Students who have not had Greek but wish to take it 1n seminary may take Beginning Greek at Talbot and receive credit applicable toward the graduation requirement
Candidates for degrees must demon strate an exemplary Christian character, a commitment to communicate the truth of the Wo1·d of God and manifest promise of usefulness in Christian service. Academic Load The minimum full-time load is nine units for those in the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts and Master of Theology degree programs. Those carrying less than the full time load are considered part-time stu dents. A student is normally permitted to carry a maximum of I 8 units each semes ter. To exceed this maximum load, the stu dent must petition the director of records. A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In some cases, such as laboratory sessions, a unit of credit may involve more than one class period a week. As indicated on the curriculum charts for each degree program, the various cur ricula require 14-18 units per semester in order to graduate in a specified number of years. However, students who find it nec essary to work 20 or more hours weekly to provide living expenses should plan to reduce their academic load. Such a reduc tion would extend the time required for a degree program, though participation in summer session and interterm could help offset the difference. Course Prefixes Course prefixes indicate BE Bible Exposition TH Systematic Theology OT Semitics and Old Testament NT New Testament Language and Literature CH Church History PHR Philosophy of Religion ICS Missions
PT Practical Theology CE Christian Educat ion MIN Doctor of Ministry EDD Doctor of Education
Courses taken at the Valley Campus are indicated on the transcript by the letter "V" appended to the course number. Other extension centers are similarly identified with an appropriate letter. Classification of Students M.A. First Year 1-28 units Second Year 29 + units MDiv. Junior 1-28 units Middle 29-64 units Senior 65 + units Thesis Non-Resident Students A student who has completed the course requirements for his or her degree program, except for the thesis, must regis ter each semester as Thesis Non-Resident (TNR) until the thesis is completed and ac cepted for binding by the library. A fee of $55 is charged each semester at registra tion for those in the TNR classification. A student fi nishing course work in December has I I/2 years to complete the thesis. A student finishing course work in June has one year to complete the thesis. If geographic location prevents registra tion in person, it is the student's responsi bility to contact the office of admissions and records for registration materials. Reg istration by mail is subject to the same rules as registration in person. Graduation with Honors Those graduating with a grade point average of 3.50 or higher are elected to membership in Kappa Tau Epsilon, the Tal bot scholastic honor society. This honor is on the permanent record card.
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