
2nd Semester OT 604 Advanced Hebrew.

2nd Semester TH 728 Theological Systems . . . . . . . . 2 PHR 602 Apologet ics . . 2 Bible Exposition electives. 4 Systematic Theology electives . 2-4 Philosophy of Religion elective . 2-4 Elective 2 TH 796 Thesis** . 0 16

common to include I) biblical and the­ ological foundations in the first year, 2) aca­ demic specialization in one of four the­ ological disciplines in the second year and 3) additional elective courses determined by the advisor 1n consultation with the student. The Program Reduction Based on Prior Academic Study Applicants who have taken undergrad­ uate courses in biblical or theological stud­ ies may request a program reduction based on their collegiate work. An evalua­ tion will be made by the director of records following established guidelines in order to determine competency within the following perimeters: I ) undergraduate biblical studies which are parallel in content with required courses and 2) undergrad­ uate biblical studies which may justify a re­ duction in elective units. On this basis the

Second Year EMPHASIS IN BIBLE EXPOSITION: I st Semester BE 5 17 Hermeneutics, Bible Study Methods.


NT 506 Exegesis Selected Epistles. 4 NT 716 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction . 2 New Testament Exegesis electives. . 4 New Testament electives. 2 OT 796 Thesis*'•. . . 0 16 Master of Arts in Theological Studies First Year Curriculum I st Semester BE 603 New Testament Survey . . 4 TH 603 Theology II. 4 NT 50 I Beginning Greek. 2 Biblical or Theological electives . . 4 14


Elective in Old Testament Prophets Biblical or Theological electives .



Electives .

4 16

2nd Semester OT 506 Old Testament Introduction. 2 NT 606 New Testament Introduction . 2 Biblical or Theological electives. I 2 BE 796 Thesis** . 0 16

**Some preliminary steps must be com­ pleted prior to taking the thesis course. See the Talbot student handbook for de­ tails.

EMPHASIS IN OLD TESTAMENT: I st Semester BE 505 Hermeneutics, Genesis OT 603 Elements of Hebrew . NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis.

62 unit program may be reduced by as much as 30 units, so that certain qualified applicants may earn the Master of Arts with a minimum 32 unit program. Master of Arts in Biblical Studies Curriculum First Year I st Semester BE 603 New Testament Survey .

2nd Semester BE 518 Old Testament Su rvey .

4 4

4 4 4 2

TH 502 Theology I . TH 604 Theology Ill


NT 502 Beginn ing Greek.

Electives . . . . . . . . .

4 16

Bibl ical or Theological electives .

2 16

2nd Semester OT 604 Advanced Hebrew ... OT 7 16 Old Testament Text Canon. Introduction.



SECOND YEAR CURRICULUM I st Semester TH 709 Contemporary Theology . . NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis. CH 70 I History of Doctrine .

TH 605 Bibl iology. Theology Proper. Anthropology NT 501 Beginning Greek.

2 NT 716 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduct ion . 2 Old Testament electives .. 4 Hebrew Exegesis electives . 4 OT 796 Thesis** .. 0 16

4 2


Biblical or Theological electives* ..

4 2

4 14

Systematic Theology electives . Phi losophy of Religion elective. Elective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2nd Semester BE 518 Old Testament Survey . TH 606 Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology ...



EMPHASIS IN NEW TESTAMENT: I st Semester BE 5 I 5 Hermeneutics OT 603 Elements of Hebrew NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis .. NT 727 New Testament History.

2 16

4 2

2 4

NT 502 Beginning Greek.

Biblical or Theological electives* .

6 16

4 2

* Students enrolled in the Old Testament Emphasis may take OT 603 and OT 604 in the first year in order to allow greater flexibility with electives in the second year.

4 16



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