The Reduced Program Graduation requirements may be satis fied in 48 semester units (or 46 units if a thesis is written) if the student has an un dergraduate degree in Christian education with a 3.0 grade point average in courses taken in the major and a 2.6 overall grade point average. The undergraduate studies must include a minimum of 30 hours in Christian education and 30 hours in Bible/ theology. Following is a list of concentrations for those qualifying for the REDUCED PRO GRAM Bible/Theology (including OT 506, NT 606, TH 717, TH 71 8). . . . . . . . . . . 12 units Christian education (including CE 522, 631,632,512,532,633,634, 791, 792). 30 units Thesis/Thesis project or electives 4-6 units TOTAL 46-48 units The Program Reduction Based on Prior Academic Study .Students coming from a Bible college with 30 units of Bible/Theology, or with a m_ajor in Christian education, but not quali fying for the Reduced Program, will base their program on the 68 units curriculum. Evaluations for reduction are considered for undergraduate courses with satisfac tory parallel content, provided that the collegiate courses are approximately dou ble the unit value of the corresponding seminary courses. To qualify for such re ductions the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the specific course(s) and be able to demonstrate competency in the subject matter. Teaching Credential Specialization Students can combine work on their Master of Arts in Christian Education while obtaining a Cal ifornia state credential. To make this program feasible, some units in Christian Education core are substituted for credential requirements. Students in terested in this option should see an advi sor in the Christian education department and in the education department.
Master of Arts Program in Christian Education Philosophy of the Christian Education Program The scope and significance of the Chris tian education program are determined by the four dimensions which follow. Theological Orientation The Christian education program is an integral part of the theological environ ment of the seminary. The program relates educational practice to the theological principles, seeking to merge life sciences and theology. Both life sciences and theol ogy view man in descr iptive terms. There fore Christian education is committed to the development of the whole person. Ministerial Preparation The Christ ian education program exists to prepare ministers in the New Testa ment sense, with a variety of funct ional roles implied for service in local churches and related institut ions. This focus on min istry includes the im pl icit view that responsibility extends be yond the classroom into the churches and related institutions where students and graduates funct ion. Individualized Program The program is characterized by em phasis on adaptation to the ind1v1duality of the students, both in regard to personal distinctives and in regard to the disti nctives embodied in varied forms of Christian education ministry. It is presumed that students will enter the program with clearly established Chris tian faith and, normally, with definite pro fessional orientation.
units of electives in lieu of a thesis will have a total requirement of 68 units. Two unbound copies of the thesis or thesis project are to be submi tted to the librarian. All these, whether accept able or not, become the property of Talbot seminary and School of Theology. F. At least 24 units must be taken at thi s seminary. A student must have a least a 2.75 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Students are placed on academic proba tion if their grade point average for any se mester falls below 2.75, and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 2.75. Probation students are grant ed one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (2.75) for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Major Requirements The academic program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Christian educa tion is structured to include ( I ) biblical and theological foundations; (2) a core curricu lum consisting of foundational courses and practical skills; (3) vocational specialization; and (4) additional elective courses. The Standard Program The program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Christian Educat ion includes a minimum of 68 units, (or 66 units if a the sis is written). The student who is able to enroll in seventeen units each semester can complete the degree in two years. The student who enrolls for less than seven teen units will require additional time to complete the degree program, in which case the program must be completed within five calendar years from first enroll ment. A thesis or thesis project may be re quired of candidates. The thesis project is reserved for students doing exceptional work. Requirements for these are listed in the appropriate section of the Student Handbook.
The program is designed to afford each student a fourfold opportunity (a) the ac quisition of knowledge (b) the develop ment of professional skill, (c) personal growth and (d) the deepening of personal commitment to Christ. Timeliness of the Program . The Christian education program is de signed to meet the specific needs of the church at this point in time. In the light of 1ncreas1ng demands for persons trained in Christian education the program is struc tured to prepare persons to serve compe tently in the field. Admission Requirements All applicants must hold the Bachelor of Arts degree, or its academic equivalent. They must have a 2.6 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale). Those accepted who do not meet this latter requirement will be placed on probat ion. Graduates from ap proved unaccredited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provisional acceptance, though exceptions may be made when the grade point average is 3.0 or higher. Applicants must have eight units of Bible and/or doctrine courses prior to entry. Those who enter with a deficiency in this area will be required to enroll for a maxi mum of eight units in Bible and/or doct1-ine 1n addition to the core curriculum. Graduation Requirements A Satisfactori ly complete 66-68 semester units. See (D.) below. B. Take the courses prescribed in the Mas ter of Arts in Chr istian education curriculum. C. 400 hours of supervised field ministry approved by facu lty advisor. D. Complete the program in no more than five years. E. Compete an acceptable thesis (four un its) or thesis project chosen 1n consul tation with the major advisor or at the option of the major advisor and in lieu of the thesis or thesis project complete six units of electives. Students who write a thesis will have a total requ ire ment of 66 units and those who take six
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