
Master of Arts Program in Marriage and Family Ministries Philosophy The Masters of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministries is designed to equip those in the local church for a specific ministry to families. Th is program is designed to give an equivalent background and preparation in both the areas of Bible/theology as well as counseling/teachi ng. It is the design of this master's program to equip students in the area of preparation ministries (premarital preparation and family life edu- . cation through teaching and seminars) and in short-term counseling techniques includ­ ing ind ividual , marital and family counseling. A definite emphasis is placed upon recog­ nition of disorders which would require greater specialization and training so minis­ terial staff can be better equipped t o make referrals. The purpose is to provide the lo­ cal church with specialists in the field of Marriage and Family Ministries who have built both their counseling and teaching skills upon a solid biblicaVtheological base. This program is under the supervision of the department of Christian education, since family ministries is one part of the total Christian educational ministry. Admission Requirements Application must be completed by No­ vember I for spring admission and April I for fall admission. Applicant must hold t he Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent They must have a mi nimum admission grade point average of 3.0 to be granted admission without provisions . Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provisional ac-

ceptance, though exceptions may be made when the grade point average is 3.0 or higher. Applicant must have taken the TJTA and MMPI within the last 12 months with re­ sults on file w ith department A limited number of students are admit­ ted into the program each year. Prefer­ ence will be given to students with experi­ ence in ministry. Applicant must have 12 semest er units of psychology which include educational psychology, abnormal psychology, and group process plus eight units of Bible and/ or doctrine courses prior to completion of 36 units toward the degree. Graduation Requirements A Satisfactorily complet e 68 semester units. B. Take the courses prescribed in the Mas­ ter of Arts in Marr iage and Family Min­ istry curriculum. C 400 hours of supervised field ministry approved by faculty advisor. D. Complete the program in no more than five years. E. A maximum of six units toward the de­ gree of Marriage and Family courses can be transferred. F Christian education core courses must be taken in residence. G. Receive 30 hours of approved personal counseling at own expense of which 15 hours must be didactic. A student must have at least a 3.0 point average (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Stu­ dents are placed on academic probation if their gade point average for any semester falls below 30 and remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative grade point aveage remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one se­ mester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation.

Major Requirements The academic program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Ministries is structured to include (I) biblical and theological foundations; (2) un" derstanding Chr ist ian education principles, ministry and skills; (3) a core curriculum consisting of foundation courses and prac­ tical skills in marriage and fami ly ministry. The Standard Program The program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Minis­ try includes a minimum of 68 units. The student who is able to enroll for 17 units each semester of t he academic program can complete the degree in two years. The student who enrol ls for less than 17 units, will require additional time to complete the degree program, in which case the program must be completed within five calendar years from first enrollment The Program Reduction Based on Prior Academic Study Evaluations for reduction are consid­ ered for undergraduate courses with satis­ factory parallel content, provided that the collegiate courses are approximat ely dou­ ble the unit value of the corresponding seminary courses. To qualify for such re­ ductions the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the specific course(s) and be able to demonstrate competency in the subject matter. MASTER OF ARTS IN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES First Year I st Semester BE 603 New Testament Survey. 4 BE 5 17 Hermeneutics, Bible Study M~~ds 4 CE 673 Biblical Foundations of the Family . . . . 2 CE 53 I Philosophical Foundations of Ministry . 2 CE 627 Premarital Preparation and Counsel . . . 2 Age Level Elective . . . . . . . . . 2 16

2nd Semester TH 502 Theology I .

4 4 4 4

OT 518 Old Testament Survey. CE 522 Counsel ing Ministry in the Church . . . CE 5 I 2 Educational Administration .

CE 532 Philosophical Issues in Ministry .

2 18

Second Year

I st Semester TH 603 Theology II

4 4 4

CE 63 I Methods and Resources CE 675 Family Life Education. CE 691 Educational Internship .


Elective .

4 17

2nd Semester OT 506 Old Testament Introduction 4 NT 606 New Testament Introduction . 2 CE 628 Marriage and Family Counseli ng 4 CE 722 Counseling Troubled Families. 2 CE 692 Educational Internship . I Age Level Elective. . 2 17 2 TH 604 Theology Ill . .


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