Course Descriptions Core Courses (required) EDD 80 I HISTORY OF BIBLICAL EDU- CATION (2) History of the Christian Church's educa- tion ministry traced through the educa- tional approaches of the Hebrew nation, the early Christians, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Reformation and the modern era of the church. Special at- tention given to the development history of certain agencies, such as the Sunday School, the Christian school movement and the history of cur-rent educational practices of the church, such as age-level ministries and professional, vocational staff EDD 802 PH ILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) An advanced investigation of the western and eastern philosophical bases for the educational ministries of the church. The ways in which educational ideas and prac- tices are shaped by philosophical systems and specific philosophers discussed. EDD 803 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND CHRISTIAN NURTURE (3) Principles and characteristics of life-span development with particular attention to cognitive, moral, psychosocial, values-com- mitment, affective, and physical develop- mental theories and research; Investigation of relationships between development and spiritual growth; Implications of develop- mental characteristics for nurture in the family and in chur"ch-related ministries. EDD 804 ADMINISTRATIVE ORGAN!- ZATION AND LEADERSHIP (3) An investigation of current theories and principles of effective administration with an emphasis on the integration of adminis- trative theory with theology. Administra- tive and leadership patterns analyzed relat- ing to the ministries of churches, para- church agencies, and religious institutions.
WORLD VIEW: Elective courses to be taken from existing 700 or 800 level courses in philosophy of religion, church history, missions or intercultural studies from Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology or the School of Inter- cultural Studies and World Missions. (4units) Emphasis (Choose one) 14 units
Spirit in relationship to the teacher-learn- ing process and Old Testament and New Testament educational institutions. Focus on families or specific age level possible. 821 Integration of theology and educational process 4 822 Principles of teaching 2 824 Curriculum design and development 2 826 Cross-cultural learning 2 828 Intergenerational learning 2 823 Seminar in educational processes 4
EDD 806 INTEGRATION OF FAITH, LEARNING & LIFE (3) An investigation of the models of integra- tion which serve to incorporate the var- ious disciplines of study appropriate to Christian education into an evangelical Christian theology in a consistent and Bibli- cal fashion. Also to be considered are the broader implications of such an integration as the church interfaces with society as a whole. This required course will explore several areas and levels of integration in Christian education in order to introduce the nature and scope of the task to be continued in the student's choice of doc- toral emphasis. EDD 810 MODELS OF TEACHING (2) A laboratory course for developing a rep- ertoire .of teaching skills and strategies based on several contemporary modes. Provides an opportunity for students to discuss issues and questions fundamental to teaching. Research Courses ( required) EDD 502 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3) Development of competency in using and interpreting both descriptive and inferen- tial statistics as related to educational re- search. To enable the student to appropri- ately choose and compute various statisti- cal packages, analyze the resultant data correctly, in Christian Education oriented research. Emphasis is given to the use of the computer in the computation of data and statistical applications most relevant for the needs of Christian Educators. EDD 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-4) Individual study, directed reading or field research into topic of st udent interest. Such study must be done with the approv- al and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and bibliogra- phy on a learning contract form available from the admissions and records office.
7 units
502 Statistics
3 2 2
Additional Courses to be Used as Electives with Approval of Advisor: See catalog for prerequisites. RPSY 51 0 Motivation RPSY 51 3 Sensation and perception RPSY 530 History and systems of psychology
888 Research design
890 Dissertation research seminar
3 3
48 units plus dissertation
3 3 3
Emphasis: Additional courses may be used with advisor's approval.
RPSY 551 Personality I RPSY 553 Personality II
RPSY 604 Learning and Motivation 3 RPSY 606 Developmental psychology 3 RPSY 608 Social psychology 3 RPSY 610 Development of religious understanding in children and adolescents 3 RPSY 611 Research in religious behavior 2 RPSY 622 Attitudes , values and belief 2 RPTI 721 The nature and scope of integration 3 RPTI 722 Systems of integration 3 RPTI 741 Guilt. conscience and socialization 2 RPTI 745 Maturity: psychological and theological perspectives 2 RPTI 748 Christian community 3 RPTI 750 Perspectives on human nature 2 ICS 502 Social Organization 2 ICS 520 lnter"personal and lntercultural Adjustment 2 !CS 550 Christianity and Culture 2 !CS 561 Topics in Applied Cultural Anthropology 2 ICS 562 Cultural Change 2 ICS 622 lntercultural Communication 2 !CS 706 Ideological Connict 2 !CS 761 Sex Roles in Society 2
Spiritual Development Emphasis This emphasis will focus on the
integrative relationship between areas of human development and spiritual maturity. Sources for areas of human development are the research studies in the literature and the main source for spiritual develop- ment is biblical. The emphasis is thus pri- marily integrative in its approach and scope. The belief that all truth is God's truth is central to this emphasis as "secular" studies are scrutinized for their relevance to the establishment and advancement of spiritual maturity in the life of individuals of all ages and in a family context. 831 Cognitive, physical development 2 832 Psycho-social, affective development 2 833 Moral and value development 2 835 Christian faith development 4 837 Integration of theological and developmental research 4 Educational Processes Emphasis This emphasis will focus on the educa- tional process in relation to the purpose of education, principles of teaching, human growth, the nature of learni ng and the dynamics of groups in a variety of situa- tions. Consideration given to the teaching ministry of Jesus for principles and pro- cesses of education, ministry of the Holy
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