Department of Philosophy of Religion The minister often deals with problems which are related to contemporary trends in philosophical and scientific thought. For this reason, he needs a knowledge of the intellectual heritage of the western world and the apologetic techniques and pos tures which are of most value. Four hours of credit from the offerings may be appl ied as elective credit toward the ma1or in sys tematic theology. PHR 602 APOLOGETICS (2) The acceptability of the Christian faith in the light of the biblical, historical and ar chaeological records, Christ ian experience, science and philosophy. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (TS.) students. PHR 702 BIBLE AND SCIENCE (2) Crucial aspects of the relationship between the biblical record and the methods and findings of science. Elective. PHR 708 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY FROM A THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE (2-3 ) Development of philosophy with special emphasis upon the junctures where philos ophy has influenced Christianity. Elective. PHR 7 10 MODERN APOLOGETIC OPTIONS (2) Read ing and evaluation of crucial modern apologists, as, Butler, Paley, Edwards , Machen, Van Til, Carnell and Montogomery. Elective. PHR 71 I PHILOSOPHY OF REUGION (2) Philosophy of religion in terms of such top ics as the origin and growth of religion, the
Department of World Missions A Division of the School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions Dean: Marvin K. Mayers, Ph.D. Lloyd Kwast, D.Miss, Chair Faculty Professors: Cook, Hess, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter, Mayers Associate Professors: Dollar, Kraft, Liao Assistant Professor: j. Lingenfelter Any Talbot student may take elective courses through the School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions. Students in the Master of Divinity or Master of Theol ogy programs with a major in missions, or Master of Ministry students with an em phasis in missions, are required to take ICS 502, STM 570, HTM 640, HTM 655 or HTM 751, STM 661 and STM 772. Stu dents should plan to take STM 570 and HTM 640 as early in their study program as possible. Mission majors should plan to take as many electives as possible from the courses listed below. For a complete list of courses and course descriptions see The School of ln tercu ltural Studies and World Missions in the catalog. lntercultural Studies ICS 502 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION (3) Cross cultural study of the basic human groups of family, kin and community, en gagi ng the student in field methodology and research, and application of principles and data of social organization to mission strategy. JCS 520 INTERPERSONAL AND INTER CULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with fo cus on personal and interpersonal adjust ment with nationals and other missionaries;
HTM 640 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLO GY FOR MISSIONARIES (2) The nature of man and his culture, special emphasis on intercultural communication of the Gospel. HTM 751 THEOLOGY OF MISSION (2 or 3) An analysis of the tensions within the Church focusing around the mission of the Church in the contemporary world with an attempt to formulate a biblical-contem porary expression of the theology of the Church's mission in light of those tensions. Society, Technology and Missions STM 562 CULTURE CHANGE (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. Implications of such processes are examined in social, political, economic and religious aspects of society. STM 570 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION (2 or 3) An introduction to the pr inciples and problems of intercultural communication with special emphasis on translating the Bi ble into indigenous languages. STM 661 INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH GROWTH (3) A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local con gregations and to the task of worldwide evangelization, with due emphasis on the Church of thought. STM 672 BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Principles of the semantic analysis of dis course structure. Prerequisite: Advanced Linguistics. STM 772 HERMENEUTICS IN ETHNOHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES (3) Principles of biblical interpretat ion devel oped through the ethnohistorical method ology. For additional courses see The School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions, page G41 .
language, value conflicts, status and role, culture shock, stereotypes, cultural limita tions and related topics. ICS 622 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNI CATION (3) Principles and processes of communicating from one culture to another. Focus on dif ferent perceptions, ways of thinking, val ues, non-verbal expression, language ex press ion and sub-groups within a culture as they relate to the media and the message. JCS 791-792 FIELD PRACTICUM (2,2) A program designed to give experience in various phases of intercultural ministry. Field involvement I 00 hours each semes ter, and regular meeting for reporting and discussion. Prerequisite: 48 units of class work. Prescribed for and limited to, M. Div students majoring in missions. JCS 879-898 RESEARCH SEMINAR ( 1-4, 1-4) Supervised research into some problem of special interest to the student approved by the professor. May be taken for one se mester or continued throughout the year with the same problem under consider ation. Elective for Th.M. students, others by department permission. History and Theology of Mission HTM 546 HISTORY OF THE EXPAN SION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Christ ian faith from the apostolic period until today. Emphasis will be given to the modern era, especially contemporary growth dynamics in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The natu1·e of Christian outreach a study of principles, history, and methodology of worldwide missions.
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