
Department of Practical Theology

Homiletics PT 607 COMMUNICATIVE READING (2) The priciples of interpretation of literature which would be usable in sermon materials are presented. Effective oral reading of the Bible is emphasized. Elective. PT 609-610 SERMON PREPARATION (3, 3) A consideration of the fundamentals of speech as they relate to the pu lpit ministry. A study of the techniques and fundamentals of sermon construction and persuasive delivery of expository sermons. PT 609 is prerequisite to PT 61 0. Pre­ scribed for M.Div. students; PT 609 pre­ scribed for MA (Min.) students. PT 707 HISTORY OF PREACHING (2) A survey of major preachers from the first to the eighteenth century. Analysis of preaching theory and techniques of ex­ pository preaching from the eighteenth through the twentieth century. Elective. PT 712 SERMON MATERIALS (2) The most effective methods of gathering and filing sermon materials, together with a consideration of the preaching values to be derived from literature, history and church history. Elective. PT 716 PERSUASION IN PREACHING (2) Application of the psychological principles involved in influencing an audience. Elective. PT 816 PRATICUM IN SERMON PREP­ ARATION (2) Devoted to gai ning experience in the me­ chanics of preparing sermons. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department per ­ m1ssIon. Pastoral Theology PT 510 EVANGELISM The practical examination of the theology of evangelism and discipleship with an em­ phasis on developing the skills of personal evangelism and equipping others to share their faith.

PT 603 PASTORAL COUNSELING (4) Introduction to the principles and tech­ niques of counseling with an emphasis on the characteristics of an effective counsel­ or, the development of counseling skills, the making of referrals, the various theor­ ies of counseling and the place of counsel­ ing in the church. Prescr ibed for M.Div students. PT 605 THEOLOGICAL WRITING (2) The course is planned to aid the student in clear and forceful writing for theme papers in the field of Christian journalism. Elective. PT 606 CHAPLAINCY ORIENTATION (2) The requirements of the chaplaincy in the armed forces of the Un ited Sates, ministry to servic:::e personnel and the chaplai n's role in the services. The course is taught by an experienced armed services chaplain on the seminary facu lty. Elective. PT 61 I FIELD WORK SEMINAR ( 1-2) Discussion of one or more facets of the ministry with an emphasis on serving in the local church. Elective. PT 613 WOMEN IN CHRISTIAN MINIS­ TRY (2) (Same as CE 513) An investigation of the role of women in mi nistry and leadership in the light of Scrip­ tuI·e and cu r rent trends. Assessment of role expectancies and role relationships. Elective. PT 620 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF WORSH IP (2) Exploration of biblical, psychological, prac­ tical, historical and contemporary dimen­ sions of Christian worship. Elective. PT 622 CHURCH PLANTING (2) The study of the components, such as ge­ ography, demographics, strategy and im­ plementation, that go into church planting in a non-cross cultural setting. PT 630 DISCIPLESHIP (2) An examination of interpersonal relation­ ships and character development as ap­ plied to the process of discipleship. Pre­ requisite ICS 5 55 . Elective.

traditional proofs for God and the prob­ lem of evil. Elective. PHR 714 RELIGIOUS EXISTENTIALISM (2) Leading existential writers and concepts wit h their implications for Christian faith in thought. Elective. PHR 716 PROBLEMSOF KNOWLEDGE IN RELIGIOUS THOUGHT (2) Major approaches to religious epistemol­ ogy, including contemporary contributions to the meaning of inspiration and authority. Elective. PHR 720 THEOLOGICAL LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLISM (2) The significance and criticism of theological language w ith an analysis of biblical usage. H istorical and contemporary Christian sysmbols. Elective. PHR 722 CULTS OF AMERICA (Same as CH 722) (2) The distinctive features of the cults of America with their significance in the de­ velopment of religious thought and with particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Elective. PHR 724 CURRENT PH ILOSOPHICAL ISSUES (2) An intensive study of the thought of par­ ticular philosophers of religion or impor­ tant philosophical issues as they relate to theology. May be repeated with different course content. Elective. PHR 758 WORLD RELIGIONS (Same as ICS 556) (2) The distinctive features of the world's eth­ nic religions, the philosophical and psycho­ logical implications and the significant cul­ tural patterns surrounding their develop­ ment. Elective. PHR 767 DIRECTED STUDY (2-4) Reading and research in selected and con­ centrated areas, as epistemology, ethics, existentialism, theological language and non-Christian religions. Elective.

Faculty Associate Professor: Conway Assistant Professor: Anderson Instructor: George

The aim of this department is to teach effective methods of presenting the infor­ mation which the student has learned in the other departments of the seminary. In addition, the student is taught how to lead and maintain an individual church in a well­ organized program of service. Church Music PT 540 APPLIED MUSIC (Same as CE 540) ( 1-2) includes private study as well as ensemble. May be repeated to a maximum of six units. Elective. PT 644 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH (Same as CE 644)(2) The place of music in the church's pro­ gram. Criteria for the selection of appro­ priate music. Techniques for leading music and teaching various groups. The relation­ ship of music to worship, instruction and fel lowship. Elective. PT 645 HYMNOLOGY (Same as CE 645) (2) The historical development of hymns and hymn tunes in the several nat ional tradi­ tions, with emphasis upon the English hymn; evaluation and use of hymns. Elective. PT 647 CONGREGATIONAL AND CHORAL CONDUCTING (Same as CE 647) (2) Instruction in the fundamentals of the con­ ductor's art, beginning with the simple rhythms and advancing to the larger forms of church music. Elective.


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