PT 70 I CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN THE LOCAL CHURCH (3) The Biblical basis and process of Chr istian Education as applied to local church minis tries. Includes the educational process, the art of teachi ng and the administration of Christian Education ministries, including Sunday School and the entire educational program of the church . PT 703 THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY (2) A study of current social, political and mor al issues, with special attention t o the re sponsibility of the church as a contributor to change. PT 704 PASTORAL MINISTRY (4) A study of the pastor's call, philosophy of ministry, orientation, role, ethics, spiritual life and ministry, with attention to leader ship in worship and special services. Con sideration given to long-range planning, ad ministration and church and community relations. Emphasis on equipping others for their own ministry w ithin the local church. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 7 10 LEADERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS (Same as CE 6 10) (2) Consideration of interpersonal relations between members of a multiple staff as well as management principles in church related groups. Elective. PT 720 COLLEGE TEACHING PROCE DURES (2) (Same as CE 720) Consideration given to t he various philos ophies of education, theories of learning, the factors that infiuence learning at the undergraduate and graduate level. Empha sis given to becoming a more effective teacher. Variables in motivation, retention, transfer and high level thinking will be dis cussed. A supervised classroom teaching experience is required. PT 724 SMALL GROUP LEADERSH IP (Same as CE 624) (2) Theory and practices of the group pro cesses as applied to church groups, social activities , classes, committees and inter church councils. Invest igation of the tech-
review of available resources. Develop ment of personal plans for ministry. Electi ve. PT 771 YOUNG ADULT DEVELOP MENT AND EDUCATION (Same as CE 67 1)(2) Survey of issues confronting young adults in contemporary life and opportunities for the church within the concept of ministry to assist those in young adulthood in meet ing these issues. Special attention to the a1-eas of single adul ts and single parents. Elective. PT 772 OLDER ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (Same as CE 672) (2) Focus on the gerontological needs (i.e., physiological, sociological, psychological) of older adults and on the opportunities for the church within the concept of ministry to work with the community to assist in meeting these needs. Emphasis on the val ue of educational development and the older person's significance and need to contribute to the church body. Elective. PT 773 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS O F THE FAMILY (Same as CE 673) (2) Relating biblical t eachings about marriage, family and human relationships to the nu clear and extended families, early marriage and parenting skills. PT 774 THE FAMILY OF THE CHRISTIAN LEADER (Same as CE 674) (2) A consideration of the special and unique problems faced by vocati onal Christian workers and their families. Includes all phases of occupational Christian mi nistry. Elective. PT 775 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION IN THE LOCAL CHURCH (Same as CE 675) (4) Objectives, o,ganization and administra tion of a program of fami ly life education in I the local church. Includes an analysis of cur ' rent trends in family life education. I Elect ive.
niques of sensitivity train ing as it relates to the church. Methods of Christian growth in the small group environment is a major emphasis. Elective. PT 727 PREMARITAL PREPARATION AND COUNSELING (Same as CE 627) (2) Counseling techniques applied to dating and courtship, engagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use of TJTA, Prepare and Family History analysis integral part of the course. Elective. PT 728 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING (4) (Same as CE 628) Advanced course dealing with problems and confiicts within marriage and family settings. Counseling methods and pract ical behavioral methods from a scriptural con text designed to meet problems and con fiicts; conducted via demonstrations, case studies and counseling involvement. Pre requisite: Permission from the instructor. Elective. PT 729 GROUP COUNSELING AND THERAPY (Same as CE 629) (2) Training in the principles of counseling and therapy in a group setting. The class itself used as a laboratory experience with t he student participating both in the role of therapist and client. Prerequisite: PT 724. Elective. PT 753 CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (Same as CE 653) (2) The child from age six to twelve years with emphasis on development of moral and religious values, cognitive processes and social relationships. In addition, an analysis is made of home and church ministries re lated to childhood education. Elective. PT 76 1 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (Same as CE 661) (2) Finding and meeting adolescent needs, writing objectives for youth ministry, lead ership of learning experiences and out reach experiences, disciple-building and
PT 778 MIDDLE ADULT DEVELOP MENT AND EDUCATION (Same CE 678)(2) A study of issues and developmental tasks of adu lts in the middle years. Attent ion to the ministry of meeting the needs and ut i lizi ng the potential of mid-life adults. Elective. PT 80 I CHURCH MANAGEMENT (2) An examination of contemporary manage ment concepts, organization and interper sonal theories as appl ied to the local church. Prerequisite: PT 704. PT 802 SPIRITUAL WARFARE (2) A study of the confi ict between the king dom of darkness and the kingdom of light with an emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerabi lity of the believer. The techn iques of counseling the spiritually affiicted are also considered. Field Education PT 591 INTRODUCTION TO FIELD EDUCATION ( I ) Introduct ion into the practical elements of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on career planning, field experience and prepa1-at ion for Field Education Internship 1n the M.Di v. programs. Prescribed for M.Div. Students. PT 592 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satis factory completion of student's self-eval ua tion form, supervisor's evaluation form and pastoral interview form. Prescribed for M.Div. Students. PT 691 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satis factory completion of student's self-eval ua tion form, supervisor's evaluation form and lay leader's interview form. Prescribed for M.Div. Students. PT 692 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satis factory completion of student's self-evalua tion form, supervisor's evaluation form and sermon evaluation form. Prescribed for M.Div. Students.
and sermon evaluation form. Prescribed for M.Div. Students.
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