Department of Christian Education Charles 0. Bradshaw. Ph.D . Chair Faculty Associate Professors: Bradshaw, Dirks Assistant Professor: Johnson. Wilson Instructor: Crawford The aim of the department of Christian education is that of developing Christian educators who understand the significance of an educational ministry and who possess the skills necessary to funct ion as Christian educators. To this end. course offer ings have been designed to blend theory and practice. Most elective courses are de signed for tracking to accommodate the student's vocational specialization. Administration CE 500 INTRODUCTION TO MINISTRY (2) Investigation into b1bl1cal principles of m1n- 1stry: development of a philosophy of min istry and its relation to a multi-staff con text. Discussion of personal and profes sional growth, family life, relat1onsh1p with staff boards and total life management. Development of creative problem solving. dec1s1on-mak1ng and time management skills. Elective. CE 510 STUDIES IN ADMINISTRATION (2) Designed for those with limited back grounds in educational administration. Content selected on the basis of deficien cies. Admission by signature only.
CE 613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Consideration of essential elements in cur riculum formation . Intensive study of var ied existing curricula. Analysis of contem porary trends in curriculum production. Elective. CE 614 BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT (2) Study of design and building for the wor ship. education and fellowship functions of the church. Basic procedures in building and remodeling. Projections, evaluation and purchase of equipment for these func tions. Elective. CE 683 CAMP LEADERSHIP (2) The philosophy. objectives. administration, program and leade1-ship of a church-1-elat ed camp. The use of worship. study, crafts . recreation and counseling in church camp ing. Investigation into trends of camping, centralized and decentralized camping. Techniques in planning and directing a camp program, including counselor train ing. Elective. CE 684 CAMP AND CONFERENCE (2) An advanced course in camping adminis tration. programmi ng and staff relation ships . The student will be involved in a di rect work project at a local Christian camp with faculty-staff supervision. Elective. CE 735 CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCA T ION (2) Research into the pr imary administrative patterns of the Christian college and inves tigation into major practices in governance. History and trends of Bible institutes, Bible colleges. Christian liberal arts colleges and theological seminaries. Elective.
PT 791-792 FIELD EDUCATION (2.2) A program designed to give supervised experience 1n various phases of Christian ministry. One hundred hours of field ex perience each semester, includi ng class room interaction. Prerequisite: completion of first half of the M.Div degree program. Prescribed for M.Div students. Research PT 507 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND RE SEARCH TECHNIQUES ( 1-2) A survey of library resources and services, bibliographic principles and practice. re search procedures and thesis form and style. Elective.
CE 51 I FOUNDATIONS OF LEADER SHIP (2) Investigation into leadership theory and practice leading to the development of a bibliocentric philosophy of leadership : practice 1n basic leadership skills: study of appl1cat1on of concepts 1n the church and parachurch agencies Prescribed for MA (CE.) students. CE 512 EDUCATION ADMINISTRA TION (4) An analysis of adm1nistrat1ve principles and processes as they apply to the church and parachurch agencies. Special attention to the relation of administrative functions and ministry. Prescribed for MDiv (CE. ma jors). MA (CE.) students and MA (M.FM. ) students. CE 513 WOMEN IN CHRISTIAN MINIS TRY (Same as PT 613) (2) An 1nvest1gat1on of the role of women 1n ministry and leadership in the light of Scrip ture and current trends. Assessment of role expectancies and role relat1onsh1ps. Elective. CE 610 LEADERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS (Same as PT 710) (2) Cons1derat1on of interpersonal relations between members of a multiple staff as well as management principles in church related groups. Elective. CE 61 I BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN EDUCATION (2) The management of program develop ment. financial affairs. property. office work, personnel and public relations. Deals with the responsibilities of pastor, director of Christian education and other person nel. Elective. CE 612 MISSIONARY EDUCATION (2) Object ives. programmi ng, activities and administrative methods of implementing a program of m1ss1onary education. Investi gation into the auxiliary organization of the church's educational program through which missions are taught. Elective.
PT 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for Th .M. (PT) students PT 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis.* PT 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final draft of thesis.*
PT 807 INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLO GY AND THEOLOGY (2) A survey of the different approaches, · models and attitudes for the integration of psychology and theology. Elective for Th.M. students: others by department per m1ss1on. PT 817-818 RESEARCH SEMINAR ( 1-4. 1-4) Elective for Th.M. students: others by de partment permission. *PT 797 and 798 ~-re prescribed for the M.Div. students majoring in this depart ment who will write a thesis. PT 797 will be taken at the completion of 64 units, and PT 798 at the completion of 80 units. Nei ther of the two is applicable toward gradu ation unless both have been completed.
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