Acadeniic Calendar 1985-86
The William W . Bass Memorial Scholar ship Award - Given to a second or third year student who has demonstrated a keen interest in Philosophy of Religion and/ or Theology. The Inez Gooden Memorial Scholarship Award - Given to a semi nary student with financial need. The Gordon Johnson Scholarship Award - Given to a seminary student perform ing well academically in one of the Bible re lated fie lds. To a seminary student with special interest and ability in the area of outreach, established by the International Fisherman's Club. The Walker Scholarship Award - The Grateful Award - Granted to an outstanding senior preacher having finan cial need, given by the Diamond Bar Evan gelical Free Church. The Baker Book Award in Christian Edu cation - Given to the graduate who has distinguished himself in the study of theol ogy. The American Bible Society Award - Given t o the st udent w ho has distinguished himsel f in meani ngful and interpretive pub lic readi ng of the Scriptures. The Louis T. Talbot Memorial Scholarship Award -
University Day (begins 7:00 p.m. Thursday- 3:00 p.m. Friday: regular classes meet - no exams) Final draft of Graduate education ma1ors proiect due Day of Prayer (special schedule of meetings) Rcg1strat1on for 1nterterm and pre reg1strat1on for spring semester Thanks1v1ng recess (classes resume 7:30 a.m., Mon., December 2 Last day to withdraw from classes Talbot and lntercultural Studies students' first draft of thesis due Final day of instruction Mid-year commencement lnte rte rm 1986 Classes began - late reg1strat1on Psychology graduate advanced comprehensive exam1nat1on Final day of 1nstruct1on, undergraduate students Final day of 1nstruct1on. graduate students Spring Semester 1986 Onentat1on and Registration for new undergraduate students Orientation and reg1strat1on for new graduate students Reg1strat1on for graduate and continuing students
October 24-25
May 12-14
Reg1strat1on for summer school (by mail or 1n person)
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday (observed)
October 31
May 30
Final day of 1nstruct1on
May 31
November 6 November 18- December 6 November 28- December I November 29 December IO
Summe r Session 1986
June 2-20
First session (3 weeks), undergraduate courses
June 2-27 First session (4 weeks ), graduate courses June 16-20 Psychology graduate comprehens,ve examinations June 23-July 25 Second session (5 weeks). undergraduate courses June 30-July 25 Second sess,on (4 weeks). graduate courses August. 1-15 Psychology graduate comprehensive examinations
Summer Session 1985 Reg,strauon (by mail or 1n person): all cont1nu1ng students Registration - first session, new students: late reg1strat1on for cont1nu1ng students First sess,on (3 weeks): undergraduate courses
May 13-15
December 20 December 20
May 28. May 31
June 3-21
January 6 January 17
June 3-28
First sess,on (4 weeks): graduate courses
June 17-21
Psychology graduate comprehensive exam1nat1ons Second session (5 weeks): undergraduate courses
January 24
June 24-July 26
January 31
Second session (4 weeks): graduate courses
July I -July 26
August 12-16
Psychology graduate comprehens,ve examinations
January 29-31
January 30-31
Fall Semester 1985 University faculty workshop
August 21-23
January 30- 3 I
August 24
Parent's Day
August 26
Reception for new undergraduate students
February 3 February 12 February 14 February 20-21
Convocation and classes begin Last day to complete reg1strat1on Last day to add new classes
Orientation and registration for new undergraduate students Cont1nu1ng undergraduate student registrati on Orientation and registration for all new graduate students
August 26-28
August 27-28
University Day {begins 7:00 p.m.. Thursday- 3:00 p.m.. Friday: regular classes meet - no exams) First draft of Graduate education maJors pro1ect due Day of Prayer (speoal schedule of meetings) Talbot and lntercultural Studies students' final draft of thesis due Easter Recess (classes resume 5:00 p.m., Monday, March 3 I) Comprehensive Wnnen Exams for Ed.0. program Missions Conference/special schedule of workshops and meetings in place of regular class schedule) Final draft o f Graduate education maiors pro1ects due Pre-reg1strat1on for fall semester. undergraduate students Pre-registration for fall semester, graduate students Last day to withdraw from classes Rosemead students' doctoral dissertations to librarian
August 27-28
March 13
Claim resident hall room by noon
August 28
Registration for all graduate cont1nu1ng students Convocat1on and beg1nnin~ of classes for all students
August 28
March 19 March 20
August 29
March 22-31
The Rotary Club Scholarship Award -
Labor Day Holiday
September 2
September 6-7
Talbot Seminary New Graduate Student Retreat
March 31- Apnl 11 April 14-18
Spiritual Emphas,s Week (regular classes meet)
September 9-13
September I I
Last day to complete reg1strat1on
September 13
Last day to add new classes
April 17
First d r·aft of Gradua te education maiors proiect due Torrey Memonal Bible Conference and Lyman Stewart Memorial Lectures (October 15-18) (special schedule of workshops and meetings 1n place of regular class schedule)
October 3
April 28-May 16
October 14- 18
May 6-9
May 9 May 9
Comprehensrve Wnnen Exams for Ed.D.
October 24- November I
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