Warm Biola University basks in the warm sunshine of southern California and is located in the friendlycommunity of La Mirada, approximately 20 miles south of Los Angeles (lOmiles north of Anaheim-Disneyland). While sur rounded by cultural and recreational opportunities of amajor cosmopolitan metropolis , the 95 acre campus is situ ated in aquiet suburban setting. The mild mediterranean climate of coastal southern California is conducive to year round outdoor activities from surfing local beaches to snow skiing nearby mountains. Los Angeles averages 325 days of sunshine per year with an aver age rainfall of 15 inches. Professional Biola University is comprised of four schools: the School of Art, Sciences and Professions, Talbot Theological Semi nary and School of Theology, Rosemead School of Psychology and the School of Intercultural Studies and World Mis sions. All are regionally and profession ally accredited and based on evangelical Christianity. The university offers three baccalaureate degrees in 24 majors, 14 masters, and four doctoral degrees.
Biblical Studies and Theology (B.A.) Bible
Humanities (B.A.) Classical Studies Communication English Foreign Language History Literature Philosophy
Public Administration (B.S.) Interdisciplinary Secondary Education
New Testament Old Testament Pre-Seminary
Psychology (B.A.)
Biological Science (B.S.) Medical Technology Pre-Medical Secondary Education
Recreation and Camp Administration (B.S.) Social Science (B.A.) History Public Administration/Political Science Sociology Interdisciplinary Secondary Education
lntercultural Studies (B.A.) lntercultural Studies Missions Interdisciplinary Secondary Education
Business Administration (B.S.) Accounting Computer Information Management Marketing Secondary Education
Liberal Studies (B.A.) (Recommended for prospective elementary teachers)
Sociology (B.A.)
Graduate Programs Talbot Thological Seminary and School of Theology Master of Arts in: Biblical Studies Christian Education Marriage and Family Ministries
Chemistry (B.S.) Biochemistry Pre-Medical
Mathematical Sciences (B.S.) Applied Math Computer Science Secondary Education
Secondary Education
Christian Education (B.A.) Children Youth lntercultural Diversified Elementary Teaching Credential
Music (B.A.)
(General degree)
Ministry Missions Theological Studies
Music (B.M.)
(Professional degree) Composition Music Education Performance
Master of Divinity Degree Master of Theology Degree Doctor of Ministry Degree Doctor of Education Degree
Computer Science (B.S.) Information Systems Scientific Applications
Nursing (B.S.) (Qualified for RN licensure and Public Health Nurse Certification)
Communication (B.A.) Communication Disorders Interdisciplinary Print Media PublidOrganizational Communication Radio-Television-Film Drama Minor English (B.A.) English/Communication Waiver Program
School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions Master of Arts in: lntercultural Studies Missions Doctor of Missiology School of Arts, Sciences and Professions Master of Arts in: Christian School Admi nistration Education Master of Music in Church Music Rosemead School of Psychology Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology
Physical Education (B.S.) Secondary Education
Sport Physiology Coaching Minor
Biola University Undergraduate Programs
Physical Science (B.S.) Biochemistry Chemistry Medical Technology Physics Pre-Engineering Pre-Medical Secondary Education
and Emphases American Studies (B.A.)
Secondary Education Secondary Education
Art (B.A.)
History (B.A.)
Art Education Graphic Design Stud io Arts
Asian Civilization Civilization of the Americas
European Civilization Secondary Education
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