
The final project, for which there are no units, is to incl ude a formal paper stating the student's personal philosophy of church music. Concuffent with the com­ pletion of the above paper will be an oral examination covering the following topics: worship, church music in the United States or music cultures of the world, and church music administration. Course Requirements: Prerequisite: eight units of Bible, includ­ ing both Old Testament and New Testa­ ment Survey. Students are advised to choose one of two emphases, (United States or foreign country) and then select all of the courses which pertain to that emphasis. CHURCH MUSIC 50 I WORSHIP 2 502 CHURCH MUSIC IN THE UNITED STATES OR 503 MUSIC CULTURES OF THE WORLD 3 61 I CHURCH MUSIC ADMINISTRATION 3 631, 632 PRACTICUM 2 + 2 12 units



I + I I + I

533, 534 VOICE


PERFORMANCE ELECTIVES 3 A maximum of 3 units is al lowed in any one area. 633 VOICE (I) 635 CONDUCTING (I) 545, 546, 547 ARRANGING ( I, I, I ) 551, 552, 553 INSTRUMENTS (I, I , I) 555, 556, 557 KEYBOARD ( I , I, I) 540, 541, 542 ENSEMBLE (I, I , I) Biola Chorale, Symphonic Band, Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Music Ensemble, Handbell Choir


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