Rosen,ead School
sional skills and the ut ilizati on of t heory and to adults and children. It also provides on research in professional practice. Within campus training opportunities for students.
this focus students may select either the Psy.D. or the Ph.D. track. Approximately 75% of Rosemead's students are enrolled in the Psy.D. track and 25% in the Ph.D. Except in unusual circumstances, students do not change tracks after admission. While both the Psy.D. and Ph.D. t racks have a common core of basic science and clinical courses, students selecti ng Rosemead's PsyD. track are generally pre paring for full-time positions as psychologi cal practitioners. Those choosing Rosemead's PhD. track are interested in combining clinical and teaching activities. Although Rosemead's Ph.D. track has more of a research focus than the PsyD., it does not place t he primary emphasis on the development of research ski lls as most scientist professional PhD . programs do. Research training in Rosemead's PhD. program focuses on human research and is designed to prepare professional psychol ogists who are critical consumers of re search and able to conduct systematic in vestigations on topics of clinical relevance. Rosemead's PhD. student s carry out both an MA level research project and a research dissertation while PsyD. students may either complet e a dissertation or a doctoral research sequence focusing on the utilizat ion and research fi ndings in cli ni cal practice. Students interested in becomi ng re search psychologists with extensive training in scientific psychology and human and ani mal research should seek out a more tra ditional scientist-professional model of training. The research focus in both tracks of Rosemead's doctoral program is more on the consumption of research than the generation of new scienti fi c findings.
The clinic is equipped with one-way vision glass for case observation and video-taping facilities. Students also receive supervised clinical experiences at the practicum agen cies listed later in this catalog. Computer facilities for research are available on campus utilizing a Hewlett Packard 3000 w it h 5 I 2K bytes of core memory and 220 megabytes of on-li ne disk storage and a Digital Equ ipment Cor poration (DEC) VAX I 1/780. Students also have access to the IBM 370/158-3 comput er at the University of Southern California with 6,000K bytes of core. Two widely used statistical packages are available: the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and the Bio-Medical Computer Programs - Series P. Compilers for both Basic and Fortran IV programming lan guages are also available. Rosemead also maintains a research laboratory providing space for animal and human research. Academic and C linical Consultants As a professional school located in a large metropolitan area, Rosemead utilizes the services of a number of persons from the larger professional community in its ac ademic and clinical programs. W hether as part-time faculty or as consu ltants, this ros ter is multidisciplinary and enables Rosemead to enrich its training programs Academic and clinical consultants do not serve as advisors to Rosemead students or chairpersons of dissertation committees but they do participate in all other aca demic activities. The following professional persons are either currently or have been recently involved in some aspect of Rosemead 's academic or cl inical programs: Ollie Backus, Ph.D. , University of Wi scon sin Individual Didactic Psychot herapy James Barnes, MD., University of Louis ville: Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology Donald Basch, Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary: Individual Didactic Therapy
of Psychology Dean: S. Bruce Nar ramore, PhD. Dean of Administration : Richard j. Mohline, LL.D. Faculty Professors: j. Carter, Edwards, Lewis, B. Narramore, Poelstra Associate Professors: Brady, Duvall, Kel ley, Larzelere, McQueen , Mohli ne, Strauss Assistant Professors: Edkins, Guy, Hawki ns, W. Hunter, Martinez, Pike, Polite, Thomas , Wong Introduction The Rosemead School of Psychology of Biola University, in addition to its under graduate work, offers graduate work lead ing to the Master of Arts (MA), the Doc tor of Psychology (PsyD.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in clinical psy chology. Rosemead's doctoral program is accredited by the American Psychological Association . Training Models in Clinical Psychology In the past twenty years there has been a great deal of discussion and debate by psychologists over appropriate training models and degrees in clinical psychology. During the I 950's and I%O's, most doc toral training in psychology followed the scientist professional model and culminat ed in the awarding of the PhD. These pro grams were designed to train scientifically oriented researchers and professionals. During the I%O's and I970's the need for traini ng programs w ith stronger pro fessional orientations became apparent. In stitutions like the University of Illinois, t he Cali fornia School of Professional Psycholo gy, the University of Denver, Baylor Uni versity, Rutgers University and the
Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology were among the first to offer programs designed explicitly to provide doctoral training following either a profession (prac titioner) or a professional -scientist (practi tioner-scientist) model of training. Without reject ing the need for training in the basic science areas of psychology, these programs began placing proportion ately great er emphasis on the professional aspects of traini ng. After a decade of dis cussion, debate and innovation, graduate trai ning programs in cli nical psychology now cover a broad range of emphasis from highly professional to highly scientific. Rosemead's doctoral program follows a professional-scientist model of training with applicants selecting either the Psy.D. or the PhD. track depending on their vo cational and training interests. Degree Programs Master of Arts Rosemead's MA degree is largely de signed as a stepping stone for students in the doctoral program. Under exceptional circumstances, however, a st udent may be admitted to a terminal two-year master 's degree in clinical psychology.
Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy Degrees
Rosemead's doctoral program in clinical psychology is designed primarily to train practitioners in professional psychology. In contrast to the traditional scientist-profes sional model of t rai ning that is designed t o t rain researchers or cli nicians with st rong research interests, Rosemead's doctoral program is designed for students int erest ed in pursuing careers in applied areas of cl inical psychology. While all students re ceive training in the basic areas of scientific psychology relevant to the practice of psy chology, the focus of Rosemead's doctoral training is on the development of profes-
Training and Research Facil ities
Rosemead maintains an outpatient psy chological service and training center, the Rosemead Counseling Service. This clinic has two branches (one off-campus) and of fers a wide range of psychological services
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