to help students integrate the varied elements of their preparation in psycholo gy into a congruent professional role. All internships must be faculty approved in or der to insure a high level of professional experience for the student. Placement in practicum agencies is made by the director of clinical t raini ng and int ernships are obtained by the stu dent consonant with the internship guide lines of the school. Christian Activities As members of a Christian university community, Rosemead's faculty bel ieve the relating of ones faith to an academic disci pline goes beyond the theoretical and cog nitive. Opportunities for fellowship, dia logue and worship are seen as vital parts of the total educational process. Consequent ly, all students are expected to participate in Rosemead's weekly chapel as well as two year-long fellowship groups. The fel lowship groups begin in the first year of t he student's program. These activities provide an opportunity for students and their spouses to flesh out the personal im plications of their faith and integrative study. They also provide opportunity for informal, out of class interaction with facul ty spouses and other members of the Rosemead community. Students are also encouraged to become involved in one of the many local churches in the La Mirada area. Degree Requirements and Sample Programs The maJor M.A., Psy.D. and Ph.D. de gree requirements are summarized below. Since all students t ake a set of basic courses in scientific psychology as wel l as in clinical psychol ogy and theology, the first three years of the Psy.D. and Ph.D. tracks are very similar.
During the second year, al l students par ticipate in group training therapy. As group members, students personally experience some of the growth producing aspects of group counseling. In addition to group therapy, students begin their formal practicum and psychotherapy lab course. Student s are placed in such professional fa cilities as outpatient cli nics, hospitals, co l lege counsel ing centers, public schools and community health organizations on the ba sis of t heir ind ividual readiness, needs and interests. These practicum experiences are supervised both by Rosemead's faculty and qualified professionals working in the practicum agencies. In the psychotherapy lab course students receive both instruc tion and supervised experience offer ing clinical services from the theoretical orien tation of the course. Students elect lab courses from offerings such as Psychother apy with Adolescents, Marriage and Family Evaluation and Intervention, Group Ther apy, Behavior Therapy, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Biofeedback and Psycho therapy with Children. During the third year most doctoral stu dents take two or three psycotherapy lab courses, conti nue their practicum place ments and individual training therapy. This therapy is designed to give the student first-hand experience in the role of a cli ent and is considered an opportunity for both personal growth and for the learning of therapeutic principles and techniques. Be tween 50 and 200 hours of ind ividual train ing are requ ired. Such issues as timing, choice of therapist and specific goals are determined by students in conjunction with their advisors and the Professional Training Committee. When doctoral students reach their fourth year most of their time is spent in independent st udy, electives and pract icum experiences. This step-by-step progress ion in professional t rai ning experiences gives the student personal experience with a wide range of personalities in a variety of settings and provides the necessary prep aration for a full-time internship during the fifth year of study. The internshi p is planned as an intensive clinical experience
Charles Bradshaw, Ph.D., C laremont Graduate School: Developmental Psy chology David Cabush, Ph.D. , Michigan State Uni versity: Individual Didactic Psycho therapy Christ al Daehnert, Ph.D., Rosemead School of Psychology: Cli nical Super v1s1on John E. Exner, Ph.D. , Cornell University: Personality Assessment; Rorschach Ruth Ann Graybi ll, MSW, Rutgers Un i versity: Family Systems Therapy and Su perv1s1on Cheryl Fu ller, Ph.D. , Rosemead School of Psychology: Psychological Assessment, Clinical Supervision J. Roland Fleck, Ed.D., Un iversity of Geor gia: Individual Didactic Therapy George R. Martindale, Ph.D., University of Oregon: Adlerian Psychotherapy and Admini stration of Psychological Services Avedis Panajian, Ph.D. , Diplomate in clinical psychology of the American Board of Professional Psychology: Early Object Relationships, Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Arthur L. Prescott, Ph.D., University of Southern California: School Psychology; Cli nical Supervision S. Phil ip Sutherland, Ph.D. , Unive rs ity of Southern Cali forn ia: Individual D idactic Psychotherapy; Psychotherapy Super v1s1on Adrin C. Sylling, Ph.D., University of South Africa: Individual Didactic Psycho therapy Donald F. Tweedie, Ph.D., Boston Universi t y: Individual Didact ic Psychotherapy Stanley Wang, M.D. , Stanford University: Psychopharmacology Rosemead's Distinctives Rosemead's major educational dist inctives are its strong professional train ing orientation and its goal of relating the data and concepts of psychology to those of Christian theology. Since both psycholo gy and theology address the human condi tion, Rosemead's faculty believes there is a great deal to be gained by an interdiscipli n-
ary study of the nature of persons. Conse quently, all students take a series of theol ogy courses and seminars designed to study the relationship and psychological and theological conceptions of human functioning. This series of courses lengthens Rosemead's doctoral programs by approx imately one year beyond most four year clinical programs. While recognizi ng that the disciplines of psychology and theology have some very different data and methodologies, their overlappi ng content, goals and principles provide a rich resource for interdisciplin ary study. Issues growing out of these overlapping concerns cover a range of topics relating to research, theory and clini cal practice. By encouraging this study Rosemead is attempt ing to train psycholo gists with a broad view of human nature that includes a sensitivity to the religious di mension of life. Through its interaction with members of the Christian community, Rosemead is also committed to demon strating to the church the potentially signifi cant contributions an understanding of the data and methods of psychology can make to the Church's role of ministering to the whole person. Professional Growth and Training At the heart of an effective t raining pro gram in professional psychology is the op portunity to develop the personal insights and skills necessary for empathi c and effec tive interaction in a wide range of settings. In order to meet this need, Rosemead has developed a planned sequence of exper- iences designed to promote personal growth and competency in inte rpersonal re lat ionsh ips as well as speci fic cl inical ski lls. ,Beginning in t heir first year of study, stu dents part ici pate in a variety of activities designed to promote professional aware ness and personal growth. The first year activities include active train ing in empathy ski ll s and on-campus prepracticum experi ence. The prepracticum course consists of exercises to assess and facilitate interper sonal skills, and the initial opportunity for the student to work with a vol unteer col lege client in a helping role.
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