
Graduation Requirement s for Terminal Master's Program in Clinical Psychology A Master of Arts degree in clinical psy­ chology w il l be awarded to students who successfull y complete the prescribed pro­ gram of study of the first years of the doc­ toral sequence, including: A A minimum of 45 semester hours of academic work with the fol lowing distri­ bution: ( I) a minimum of 36 semester hours in psychology (2) a minimum of ni ne semester hours in theology B. A minimum of one year of resident graduate work. Graduation Requirements for the Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology ( I ) RESIDENCE AND COURSE WORK A minimum of four years of residence is required for the doctorate. While the doc­ torate is not awarded simply for comple­ t ion of stated cou rse work, there are basic unit requ irements for the degree ( 133 se­ mester hours). Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who ass ists in the planning of each semester's schedule of courses and supervises the student's progress in the program. For transfer credit, see under General Academic Informati on. Psychology: Psy.D. students must com­ plete a minimum of 97 semester hours in psychology. These 97 units must include at least 21 units selected from PLB elective psychotherapy courses, and I 8 units of practicum. Students may apply up to six units of graduate coursework from the School of lntercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement Theology: All students must complete a minor in theology which includes a mi ni ­ mum of 17 semester units. Integration Seminars : Al l students par­ ticipate in a series of six seminars ( 14 units) devoted to the integrat ion of a variety of t heological and psychological concepts in research, t heory and practice.

(4) ADMISSIONS TO CANDIDACY Official cand idacy for the doctorat e sig­ nifies an advanced stage in t he student's progress and is accompanied by a redefinition of fulltime enrollment which enables the student to place greater em­ phasis on his practicum experience, intern­ ship and dissertation, and less emphasis on formal coursework. In order to be admit­ ted to cand idacy the student must have: (a) Successfully completed the Prelimi­ nary Oral Interview (b) Passed the Comprehensive Exami­ nations (c) Received approval of dissertation proposal by his Doctoral Committee. (5) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFYING EX­ AMINATION (PSY.D. ) Psy.D. students must successfully com­ plete an examinat ion designated to evalu­ ate their readiness for a ful l-time internship in professional counseling. It may be taken any time after three of four basic areas of comprehensive examinations have been passed and must be completed six months prior· to internship. The examining com­ mittee may require the student to com­ plete additional course work, practicum, or other professional growth experiences prior to beginning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Examination Guidel ines in student handbook for further detail. (6) INTERNSHIP Al l students are required t o complete a ' one year full -time, ( 1500 hours), clinical in­ ternship prior to graduat ion. All intern­ ships are to be approved in advance by the Professional Traini ng Committee. For fur­ ther detail s, refer t o the Int ernship Guide­ lines in student handbook. (7) COMPLETION OF TRAINING THERAPY All students must receive certification of completion of trai ning therapy from the di­ rector of clinical t raini ng. A mi nimum of 50 hours of group therapy plus 50 hours of individual therapy is required. See Training Therapy Guidelines for further details.

(8) DISSERTATION OR RESEARCH CONSUMERSHIP SEQUENCE Al l Psy.D. st udents must demonstrat e doctoral-level mast ery of a research area in clinical psychology. This may be done either by a dissertation or by a research consumership sequence. The research consumership sequence is composed of: (a) a two semester, five credit doctoral re­ search seminar focusing on the critical eval­ uation and utilization of cli nical research, (b) a paper involving a critical review of re­ search on a selected, clinically relevant top­ ic and (c) a proficiency examination evalu ­ ating the student's abi lity t o criticall y evalu­ ate current cli nical research papers. Thi s proficiency exam is taken at the end of the first semester of the doctoral research seminar. Psy.D. students must either regis­ ter for five units of credit for dissertati on proposal or for the docto ral research seminar. (9) FINAL ORAL EXAMINATION The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited professionals.

Dissertation Research: Students in Rosemead's Psy.D. track may fulfill the re­ search component of their program either by writing a dissertation or by successfully completing a research consumership se­ quence (5 units) which includes a year-long doctoral research seminar, a critical review of research literature on a clinical topic and a proficiency examination for consumers of clinical research. The major doctoral de­ gree requirements are summarized below. (2) PRELIMINARY ORAL INTERVIEW AND ADMISS ION TO DOCTORAL STUDY A ll students have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for successful com­ pletion of the doctoral program. This in­ terview is scheduled after the completion of three semesters in residence, includ ing at least one practicum assignment The re­ sults of this interview are reported to fac­ ulty which votes either to admit, admit with conditions, or not to admit the stu­ dent to doctoral study. (3) COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATIONS All student s must pass a set of five doc­ toral-level comprehensive examinations covering the following areas: I) psychologi­ cal development; 2) psychological function; 3) psychological intervention ; 4) psycholo­ gy and t heology; and 5) an advanced ex­ amination formulated by the st udent's ad­ visor and his doctoral committee. Students electi ng to take the doctoral research seminar, paper and proficiency exami na­ t ion instead of a dissertation do not take the advanced exami nation. Their research profi ciency examination ful fi lls t his requi re­ ment These examinations are given twice an­ nually and serve as the ma1or means of evaluating a student's suitability to continue studies toward t he doctorate. The exami­ nations may be taken any time after com­ pletion of 75% of the course work and must be taken prior to the Professional Qualifying Examination. Only two retakes of the examination are allowed. The dates of the Comprehen­ sive Examinations are specified in the Aca­ demic Calendar.


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