
The Objectives of the University . Biola Univers ity seeks to instruct Chris­ tian men and women in order to produce graduates who are: I. Competent in their field of study; 2. Knowledgeable in biblical stud ies ; 3. Earnest Christians equipped to serve the Christian community and society at large. With particular reference to the under­ graduate programs, the intention of the university 1s to seek to produce a graduate who 1s: I. Broad ly educated in the arts and sci­ ences with a biblical perspective as the foundation. a. On who has broad exposure to the ideas that have shaped man's thinking. b. One who knows how to use rea­ soni ng processes: (I) who can use the processes of invest1gat1on, (2) who can reason logicall y, (3) who recognizes that man cannot rel y on reason and experience alone but must also exercise fa ith. c. One who can communicate and de­ fend his*· ideas on the basis of evi­ dence. d. One who has a well conceived sys­ tem of values and beliefs which are b1bl 1cally based and which mediate behavior. e. One who understands and appreci­ ates ethnic and cultural differences. f. One who understands himself, has a good self-image and is striving to re­ alize his potential. g. One who understands the various creative expressions of man's ideas and feelings 1n art. drama, music and literature. 2. Competent 1n his major. a. One who is competently prepared for se rv ice in those programs that lead directly to a vocation or profes­ sion, with all programs having the potential of preparing students for Christian ministries.

The Standards of Biola University . Biola University has long recognized a value in mai ntaining certain behavioral standards that contribute to the atmo­ sphere on campus , foster fellowship w ith a wide range of Christians and, 1n many 1_n­ stances, assist in st rengtheni ng our Chris­ tian testimony to our community. In this light. Biola University asks both its students and employees to be supportive of this behavioral standard. This institution is for earnest Christians who are sensitive to the many principles of Christian livi ng that are found in the Bible. The institution also states certain specific guideli nes for the conduct of faculty, staff and students. Although such regulations are not the basis of our standi ng in Christ, and are not a necessary consequence of it, they can strengthen the life and testimony of both the individual and the 1nst1tut1on. To this end, Biola expects its facu lty, staff and students to refrain from the use of al­ coholic beverages and tobacco and from gambling and dancing. Further, Bida, . though appreciating the rich contribution of the arts to mankind, deplores morally degrading elements w henever they are found in the theatre, the entertainment media and literature; Biolans are expected to abstain from all aspects of such t hat morally degrade Biola University does not presume to be a censoring agency for all activities; it does, however, expect tangible evidence of maturing Christian convictions and discerning judgment. Biola reserves the right to dismiss a stu­ dent who, in its judgment, does not cor:­ form either to the stated regulations gov­ erning student conduct or to the ex­ pressed principles, policies and programs of the un iversity. These standards apply to the student while he is enrolled in any of the schools or programs of the university including sum­ mers and vacations, on campus and off campus.

The existence of the creation is not explainable apart from the roles of God as the sovereign creator and sustainer of the entire natural realm. Concepts such as theistic or threshold evolution do not adequately explain creation. Though there may be many fi lli ngs of the Holy Spirit, there is only one bap­ ti sm which occurs at the time of regen­ erati on. God gives His gifts to His peo­ ple, in His sovereignty and not on de­ mand. The char ismatic manifestations (e.g., tongues and heali ng) had special significance during the revelatory period of the New Testament apostolic era and are not at all a necessary special work of the Holy Spirit today. Confession before men is viewed as a tangi ble fru it of salvation and not as a quali­ fying condit ion for salvation. Teaching biqlical studies for academic credit at Biola University 1s a complex situ­ at ion. A major goal of all teaching is for t he student to gain knowledge and under­ standing of the subject matter as well as fa ­ miliarity with the methodology of the field. Such a goal is of importance here. The Scriptures, however, are considered more than academic subject matter. They are the Word of God written for the purpose of revealing God and His actions with the de­ si re of bringi ng people to harmony with Him. Our acceptance of the d1v1ne nature and int ent of Scripture gives ultimat e meaning and direction t o all studies relating to the Scriptures. Entailed in the further­ ance of the divine intent of Scripture are many facets of study ranging from the_ practical procedures for the propagation of the Christian faith to the highly technical dimensions of critical biblical studies and philosophical theology. Throughout this di­ versity of endeavors and the wide variety of gi fts and skills employed, however, all participants are fi nally engaged 1n a com­ mon task which may be summarily stated as the understanding, acceptance and propagation of the biblical faith.

b. One who is thoroughly prepared for graduate study in those pro­ grams where graduate degrees are offered. 3. Knowledgeable in biblical studies. a. One who has a clear understanding of the content of the Bible commensurate in units with an un- dergraduate major. _ . b. One who has integrated biblical thought into his major fields of inter­ est. 4. Able through his vocat ion, church and community to make dist1nct1ve contribu­ tions to mankind and to enhance the spiritual well-being of those whom and with whom he serves. a. One who has developed and main­ tained high moral standards for his own benefit and in order that he might serve as a wholesome exam­ ple and leader. b. One who expresses through his life a clear commitment to Chr ist. who is able openly and wisely to share both his knowledge of the Bible and his commitment to Christ with oth­ ers; and who demonstrates Chr is­ tian love toward others. c. One who is prepared to fulfill Christ's commission to make disci ­ ples of all nations. d. One who is sensitive to the total needs of his fellowman and who is equipped to contribute to the meet - ing of those needs. . e. One who holds to the conv1ct1on that the Christian 1s to be a good citizen of the State, one who re­ spects authority, submits to the .laws of the land and seeks constructive change through legal channels. '*All third person pronouns are used ge­ ner ically. Accreditation and Affiliations Biola University holds institutional ac­ creditation by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Col­ leges. In addition. the institution and certain of its programs are accredited by the


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