
+ Parking Fee

I 0.00


Graduate Psychology Programs Professional Growth Fee (per semes- ter). . .................. 425.00 (Termi nal MA students are required to pay the Professional Growth fee for three semesters. Students in the Psy.D. or Ph.D. programs pay the fee for a to­ tal of ten semesters, including those stu­ dents who enter Ros mead with trans­ fer credit) *Enrollment Deposit (non- refundable). I 00.00 Admissions Personal Interview Fee (non-refundable) ........... 50.00 Registration Fee (per semester) . 15.00 Auditing Fee, per unit. . . I I 0.00 Continuation Fee for Students in Internship (per semester) ..... 50.00 Pre-Internship and AB.D. students must register for a minimum of three units each semester. Dissertation Binding Fee (five required copies, per copy) 15.00 Dissertation Microfilming . . ... 35.00 Dissertation Copyright (not manda- tory). . 20.00 Cap and Gown Rental . . 15.00 Diploma (for MA, PsyD. or PhD). 15.00 Rosemead Student Association (per se­ mester) (Except internship and AB.D. stu- dents) .. 20.00 *Upon not ice of acceptance, an enroll­ ment deposit is required. This amount is applicable toward the total expenses during the student's last semester of en­ rollment, but is forfe ited if the applicant fails to report for the semester for which application was made. Music Fees Private Study Per Unit (One unit guarantees a minimum of 13 one half-hour lessons for the semester. In some cases up to I 5 lessons may be possible.) Fee includes privilege of pract ice room

Non-Music Majors (per unit) .

Talbot Masters


Transcript Fee (for each copy after the first) ... 2.00 · 1 'Upon notice of acceptance, an enroll­ ment deposit is required. This amount is applicable toward the total expenses dur­ ing the student's last semester of enroll­ ment, but is forfeited if the applicant fails to report for the semester for which applica­ tion was made. **Required of all students with more than six units and who do not file a "Certi­ fication of Insurance Coverage" at the t ime of reg1strat1on. Additional coverage 1s re­ quired of all students participating in or practicing for inter-collegiate sports. (Year­ ly fees are based on group rates which are determined at the time of registration.) Special Fees - Undergraduate There are special fees for specific labs, clinics, physical education/recreation and camping courses, music courses, etc. See course descriptions for fees. Audit ing Fee, per unit. . . .. $25.00 Class and Laboratory Fees ... 8.00- I 00.00 Nursing Application Fee. . . ... 20.00 Nursing Late Application Fee. I 0.00 Nursing Liability Insurance (per year) 12.50 Clinical Nurs ing Fee (per semester) I 00.00 Commitment Service (per semester) ... 50 RN/LVN Nursing Challenge Examination (per theory and per clinical challenge). . . ... 50.00 Special Fees - Graduate Master's Programs (excluding psychology) * Enrollment Deposit (non­ refundable . . $50.00 Orientation Retreat . ... 40.00 Special Students' Fee, per unit 198.00 Thesis Project Non-Resident Fee 100.00 Thesis Binding, per copy. 15.00 Cap and Gown Rental (Master's) 15.00 Cap and Gown and Hood Rental (D. Min.). 19.50 Diploma . I 5.00 Doctor of Ministry Program Disserta- tion Fee .... 550.00 Th.M. Thesis Fee. . . 322.00

Accompanying Fees, Per Semester: Voice students per unit of study .. 21 .00 Instrumental students per unit of study . 14.00 Recital Fees (Fees range from $1 2.00 to $30.00 de­ pending upon length of recital, length and complexity of printed program re­ qu ired. Complete information available in the music office.) Class Instruction (Provides for- low student-faculty ratio of approximately IO I and acquisition and maintenance of specialized equip­ ment as necessary.) Voice or Guitar- ... 40.00 Electronic Piano Lab: Two hours per week .. 70.00 Three hours per week. . . ... 85.00 (The university has the following organs a twenty-six rank, three-manual Schantz; a twelve rank, two-manual Tracker; a two­ manual Rogers I IO; and two two-manual Rogers 75.) Typical Costs The combination of tuition, fees and as- socrated expenses at Biola University is suf- ficient ly high that it is necessary for stu- dents to carefully calculate their financial resources and costs. The followi ng esti- mated student budget reflects the average cost to students for the 1983-84 academic year (nine month) Undergraduate: Single Single Married on campus off campus Student Tuition and Fees $5,308 $ 5,308 $ 5,308 Books and Supplies 360 360 360 Room and Board 2,874 3,77 1 7,245 Personal 1,017 I, 134 1,872 Transpor- tation 468 675 756 TOTAL $10,027 $11,248 $15,541

Single Married on campus off campus Student Single

Tuition and Fees

$3 ,852

$3,852 $ 3,852

Books and Supplies




Room and Board

2,874 1,0 17

3,771 I, 134

7,245 1,872

Personal Transpor- tation





$9,792 $14,085


Specials, Other Masters, and D. Miss.*

Single Married on campus off campus Student Single

Tuition and Fees Books and Supplies

$4,818 $ 4,818





Room and Board

2,874 1,017

3,77 1 I, 134

7,245 1,872

Personal Transpor- tation




$9 ,537

$10,758 $15,05 I


* For MA Music and Ed.D. see undergrad- uate budget

use of one hour per day. Music Majors: One Unit (one half-hour lesson per week). .

. ............ $1 15.00


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