Payment Options Cost of tuition, room and board and special fees may be paid in one of the fol lowing ways Pl an I Payment for each semester in full on or- before the day of fall or spring regis tration. Plan 2 A down payment at the time of registration with payment of any remain ing balance by the first payment due date (Oc tober 15 - fa ll : March 15 - spring). No finance charges are assessed. Plan 3 A down payment at the time of registration and the remaining balance in three payments (October-December) or (March-May). A finance charge of I% per month of the unpaid balance at each bil ling is added for carrying the account All pay ments are due on or before the I 5th of the month as indicated in the bill ing sum mary Down Payment Down payments are payable according to the following schedule:
Single Married on campus off campus Student Single
Tuition and Fees
$ 6,464
$ 6,464 $ 6,464
lnterterm (first year)
Professional Growth Fee
Books and Supplies*
Room and Board
2,874 1,017
3,771 I , 134
7,245 1,872
Personal Transpor- tation**
$14,151 $18,444
*$650 for first year students. **May be adjusted for practicum travel ex- pense.
UnderTalbot graduate Masters
$1,600 $1,100 In Full One Half One Third
$1,300 $ 800 In Full One Half One Third
On Campus Off Campus
1-3 units 4-6 units 7- 1I units 4-8 units
Specials,* Other Masters and D. Miss.
Graduate Psychology
On Campus Off Campus
$1,500 $1,000
$2,000 $1,500
1-3 units 4-6 units 7-1 I units 4-8 units
In Full
In Full
One Hal f One Third
One Half
*MA Music and EdD. see undergraduate schedule.
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