
Biola does not assume any responsibility for serious illness or accident on or off­ campus, in or out of university games or activities. The use of school facilities is at the student's own personal risk. Ethnic & International Student Relations The office for ethnic and international student relations 1s a part of the Student Affairs Department. It is one of the signifi­ cant channels through which the university seeks to cultivate a perceptive apprecia­ tion of cultural differences while express­ ing sensitivity to diverse rac ial and cultural groups. Additionally, on-campus student groups provide another form of support for new students as sensitive people who went through periods of orientation to campus li fe reach out to help others. Ac­ tivities which they sponsor include chapels, potluck dinners, local tours, retreats, Bible studies, gospel time ministries and holiday trips. Additional 1nformat1on may be ob­ tained through Student Affairs Depart­ ment. Counseling Services Personal counseling services are avail­ able to interested graduate and under­ graduate students for a modest administra­ t ive fee. Individual counseling, group coun­ seling, pre-engag ment, premarital and marital counseling are available during the school year and summer months. Groups for special needs, workshops and seminars are held throughout the year Inquiries should be made in Sutherland Hall, room 112. The Learning Skills Center The Learning Skills Center provides programs to help undergraduates and graduate students develop their reading, w1·iting and study skills in order t hat they may meet the academic demands of the university and benefit full y from their edu­ cational experience. Learning Skills Center programs include private tutoring, a full se­ mester, non-credit course and seminars on topics related to success in school work. In addition, staff members are available to

work with students individually. Tutori ng services are available for a modest fee, while all other services are free. Inquiries shou ld be made to the counseling services office, located in Sutherland Hall, room 112. Career Development and Graduate Placement The purpose of the career center at Biola University is to assist current under­ graduate and graduate students in the choice and development of a career. Ca­ reer counseling, interest testing, job search seminars and career days are some of the offered programs which help students learn about their interests and skills which will aid in the job-hunting process. The of­ fice has a number of resource materials available to students includ ing informat ion on cu r rent occupational opportunities and internships. Maintaining credential files is another as­ pect of the career function designed to aid students in securing a job or admission to a graduate school. In addition, informati on and counsel are available to students inter­ ested in pursu ing graduate education. In­ quiries concerning these services should be made to the counseling services office, located in Sutherland I 12. Discipline Biola University is dedicated to the training of people who are sincere and earnest in their desire to live for Jesus Christ. Because this is true, students are expected to give evidence of conduct con­ sistent with such a profession. The disci ­ plined life is consistent with t he biblical model for a Christian. By enrolling in the university each stu­ dent is entering into an agreement with B1ola to be responsible for certain details of activit y and conduct. This agreement is explained in a "Statement of Rights and Re­ sponsibilities" which every prospective stu­ dent receives as a part of the admissions process Students whose attitudes prove to be uncooperative may be asked to withdraw from the university.

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