Four-, three- and two-year programs lead ing to a commission as a Second Lieuten ant in the United States Army Reserve or Regular Army are offered. All students en rolled in the final two years of the program receive an allowance of $ 100 per month during the school year. Scholarships are available competitively, in addition to t he monthly allowance for all advanced course students. For further information contact the department of military science at the University of California, Los Angeles, Cali fornia 90024. Air Force ROTC Through arrangements with the Univer sity of Southern California and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) both the two- and four-year Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFORTC) pro grams are available to all qualified, full-time students. Academic units earned in this program are counted as elective units to ward fulfillment of graduation require ments. Successful completion of the AFROTC program leads to a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force. Those students who qualify for and plan to enter Air Force pilot training will be given flight instruction as a part of their last year in either the two- or four-year program Scholarships are available to qualified stu dents on a competitive basis. All scholar ship recipients receive full tuition, required fees and books and $100 a month. Stu dents on scholarship in the first two years of the program must successfully complete a course in English composition within two academic years from scholarship activation. Students in th last two years of the pro gram must successfully complete a course in mathematical reasoning prior to com missioning. Students who accept a scholar ship must agree to successfully complete at least one term of college instruction in a major lndo-European language prior to commissioning. For additional information contact the D partment of Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Califor nia 90089, (21 3) 743-2670 or CSULB, Long Beach, California 90840, (21 3) 498- 5743.
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