
Four-, three- and two-year programs lead­ ing to a commission as a Second Lieuten­ ant in the United States Army Reserve or Regular Army are offered. All students en­ rolled in the final two years of the program receive an allowance of $ 100 per month during the school year. Scholarships are available competitively, in addition to t he monthly allowance for all advanced course students. For further information contact the department of military science at the University of California, Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia 90024. Air Force ROTC Through arrangements with the Univer­ sity of Southern California and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) both the two- and four-year Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFORTC) pro­ grams are available to all qualified, full-time students. Academic units earned in this program are counted as elective units to­ ward fulfillment of graduation require­ ments. Successful completion of the AFROTC program leads to a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force. Those students who qualify for and plan to enter Air Force pilot training will be given flight instruction as a part of their last year in either the two- or four-year program Scholarships are available to qualified stu­ dents on a competitive basis. All scholar­ ship recipients receive full tuition, required fees and books and $100 a month. Stu­ dents on scholarship in the first two years of the program must successfully complete a course in English composition within two academic years from scholarship activation. Students in th last two years of the pro­ gram must successfully complete a course in mathematical reasoning prior to com­ missioning. Students who accept a scholar­ ship must agree to successfully complete at least one term of college instruction in a major lndo-European language prior to commissioning. For additional information contact the D partment of Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Califor­ nia 90089, (21 3) 743-2670 or CSULB, Long Beach, California 90840, (21 3) 498- 5743.

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