
should seek information from the profes­ sional school of his choice. Pre-Medical: In addition to the general courses a student interested in entering the medical field should take courses in bi­ ology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. See the biological science or physical sci­ ence majors for- specific recommendations and requirements. Pre-Legal In addition to the general courses, a student interested in entering the field of law should take courses in modern language, political science, eco­ nomics, American history and government and related subjects. Pre-Seminary Biola University provides an excellent background in undergraduate education for seminary training. The gen­ eral education requirements, the Bible re­ quir·ements and major field requirements in their total scope meet the requirements for admission into seminary. The pre-semi­ nary student should check his program at Biola University with the requir·ements of the particular seminary he plans to enter. Degrees Offered School of Arts, Sciences and Professions The Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered with majors in American studies, art, com­ munication, English, history, humanities, lib­ eral studies, music, social science and soci­ ology. The Bachelor of Music degree. Offered with emphasis in composition, music edu­ cation, and performance. The Bachelor of Science degree. Of­ fered with majors in biological science, business administration, chemistry, com­ puter science, mathematical science, nurs­ ing, physical science, public administration, physical education and recreation and camp administration.

grade point average. A mi nimum of ten units must be taken by those living on campus . The min imum full -time load is nine units for those in graduate degree programs. Those car ryi ng less than the full -t ime load are considered part-time students . A Tal­ bot student is normally permitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semest er. To exceed this maximum load, Rosemead stu­ dents must petition the director of records. Part -time regist ration of less than nine units is permitted only after a student has been admitted to candidacy. Rosemead does not admit part-time stu­ dents to its degree programs. A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In physical educat ion activities, laborat ory sessions and in a few other instances, a unit of cred it may in­ volve more than one class period a week. Generally an undergraduat e student is limited to seventeen units of classroom work a semester. After the first semester a student with a grade poi nt average of 3.0 may petition the director of records to carry more than 17 units. In no case will a student be permitted to carry more than 20 units each semester. The normal full -time load for a Rosemead student is 12 to I 5 hours per semester, but not less than nine hours. Without the advisor's approval, a student may not carry over 15 units in any semes­ ter. Special Note: Full -time enrollment (completing 12 units each semester) is required of the following undergraduate students: internationals, veterans receiving full benefits, students receiving social security benefits and al l students receiving financial aid of any kind. When dropping classes, students must be aware that they are re­ quired to complete 12 units of credit. Full -time enrollment (completing nine units each semester) is required of the following graduate students: internationals, veterans receiving full benefits, student receiving social security benefits, and all students receiving finan­ cial aid of any kind . When dropping

should include the student's name, date of birth, social security number, last semester of attendance at Biola, name and address of where the transcript is to be sent and cash or $2 check made payable to Biola University, for each transcript. Transcripts will be released only after all financial obligations to t he university are paid. A request for a transcript must bear the signature of the individual whose perma­ nent record is involved. If the name is typed or printed, the request will not be honored. This policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Pr ivacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment ). A transffipt cannot be released if mon­ ey is owed to the university on a student's account or- if a payment is outstanding on any loans obtained through the univer·sity. An addit ional $1 w ill be added to the transcript fee for rush (over the counter) requests. Name Changes All name changes by marriage, divorce or court order must be accompanied by a copy of the legal action which changes the individual's name. Extracurricular Activities All groups or individuals who represent the university must manifest satisfactory standing as to application, cooperation, spiritual life and scholastic attainment (the overall grade point average must be C), and must be approved by the faculty. Pre-Professional Courses Many leading educators in the profes­ sional fields recognize that a liberal arts curriculum provides the most suitable un­ dergraduate preparation The satisfactory completion of the courses required of all students during their first two years in at­ tendance at Biola University provides much of the necessary background B1ola University offers courses which serve as foundat ional material for several of the professions. There are certain basic courses 1n natural science, language and so­ cial science which are required by most professional schools. To be sure that the proper courses are selected, the student

classes, students must be aware that they are required to complete nine units of credit. Numbering of Courses Courses numbered I00 to 299 are low­ er division (primarily for freshmen and sophomores) . Courses numbered 300 to 499 are upper division (primarily for ju­ niors and seniors). Courses numbered 500 and above are graduate level. The graduate course number ing system is designed to indicate the relat ive academ­ ic level of courses in this manner: I 00-499 Undergraduate, baccalaure­ ate level courses 500-799 Postgraduate level, indicating fourth year beyond baccalau ­ reate. In general, odd-numbered courses are given in the fall and even-numbered courses are offered in the spring. Courses ending in zero usually are offered each se­ mester. The units of cred it are indicated by the number in parentheses after each course title. The university reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient registration. Special Note Biola University reserves the right to Graduate level , normally in­ dicating first through third year beyond baccalaureate. 800-999 change any and all student charges, modify its services, or change its curriculum or programs of study should economic cond i­ tions, curricular revisions, or national emergency make it necessary or desirable to do so. Transcript Request One transcript of a student's record is furnished free. A charge of $2 is made for each additional official transcript. The stu­ dent or alumnus may request a transcript in person or by mail. Telephone requests will not be accepted. To make a request in person, a transcript request form must be completed and the $2 fee paid in the ad­ missions and records office. Mail request


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