
Part-time students (less than 12 units per semester) are required to include at least one biblical studies and theology course within each I 5 units completed at Biola University unless the 30 units re­ qui rement has been met Part-time stu­ dents seeking a degree from Biola Univer­ sity must complete the entire requirement as outlined above. General Education Requirement It is the purpose of the general educa­ tion requirement to introduce t he student to areas of study that mature the mi nd, open new vistas of appreciation and un­ derstanding, enr ich social relat ionships and develop skills and aptitudes that can aid the student in furthering his personal and social usefulness. Since it is the purpose of a lib­ eral arts education to create a broad base upon which to build one's continuing edu­ cation, the student is allowed to select from t he following courses to build his own base in the liberal arts. Communication

Foreign Language

Each year elections to membership in the Biola chapter of Delta Epsi lon Chi, a national honor society of schools affi liated with the American Association of Bible Colleges, are made from the graduati ng class. Such membership is limited to seven percent of the graduating class and is based on scholastic performance as well as Christian life and service. Biblical Studies and Theology Requirement Biola University is committed to a strong biblical emphasis. A firm foundation in the Word of God is imperative for all God's servants, regardless of what type of mi nis­ try they may enter. A total of 30 units of biblical studies and theology must be in­ cluded in the program of each student ac­ cording to the requirements of the Ameri­ can Association of Bible Colleges. Each student must take at least one course each semester until he has fulfilled the re­ quirement. The fo llowing are required: Old Testament Studies IO I Early Hebrew History I 02 Later Hebrew History New Testament Studies 20 I New Testament Literature I 202 New Testament Literature II 300 Ear ly Christian History - Acts Theological Studies I 00 Biblical Foundations 300 God , Chr ist and the Holy Spirit 3 IO Man, Sin and Salvation 410 3 units 3 units 3 un its 3 units 3 units 3 un its 3 units 3 units 3 units

You will be required to take (of the same language) BA

If you have completed

(of the same language)


12 units

4 units None

I year high school 2 years high school (equals first college semester) 3 years high school (equals second college semester ) 4 years high school (equals three college semester)

8 units beyond

first semester college level 4 units beyond first year of college level None



"'Conversational language courses may be used toward the 8.5. requirement but not the B.A. requirement.

Students with two years of a high school language must take the I 02 and 20 I sec­ tions of the same language in order to complete the B.A requirement. If the stu­ dent needs to review prior course wo1-k he should either audit IO I or forfeit all previous language experience by taking the first semester course for credit. Exceptions to this policy are noted un­ der the appropriate departments (please note the unit difference per semester for classical languages). International students for whom English is a second language need not take a fore ign language (If you take a classical language for your foreign language you must take it th.rough the I 02 level for a B.S. degree. ) English 6 units I IO Studies in Cr iticism and Composition Students with a SAT of less than 400 must take and pass Basic English Workshop w ithin the first year- of residence (before English I I0). If a student wishes to chal­ lenge his/her SAT score he/she may take a Diagnostic Test administered by the English department If he/she fails this test he/she must take Basic English Workshop, English 090 (three semester hours with no credit toward graduation). Note: International students, please see p. 42 and English I 03. I 05 and I 07. Literature 3 units 250 Introductory Studies in Literature (must be World, English or American Lit­ erature) or one of the fol lowing: (with con ­ sent of department) 360, 370, 440, 450 or foreign language literature.

Fine Arts 3 units Any one of the following courses will meet thi s requirement: ART I 00 Introduction to Art ART 130 Introduction to Studio Arts COM 160 Introduction to Drama MUS IO I Introduction to Music History 8 units To fulfill the 8 unit history requirement HIS I 00 is required as well as either HIS 200 or POL 200. History I 00 The West and the World (four un its required). Students :vvho may have completed three units of world civilization are advised to take History I I 0 Themes in Western Civilization. Alternate route for meeting History I 00 1s Humanities 230. Interdisciplinary Studies, which incorporates at least one other gen­ eral education offenng Humanities - Option 230 Interd isci plinary Studies (7) The shaping of human culture and thought to contemporary times, using a team­ taught approach integrating History I 00 with participating general education offer­ ings. Value of credits released is equal to that of the courses if taken separately History 200 United States History (four units 1-equired). OR Political Science 200 Survey of American Government (four units required). Students who may have completed three units of United States History or United States Government are advised to

3 units required 6 units required 3 units required 12 units required 3 units required 8 units required 3 units required 4 units required 3 units required

Engl ish


Foreign Language

Fine Arts



Physical Education Behavioral Science

Science/Mathematics 8 units required The courses that meet the general edu ­ cation requ irement are the followi ng: Communication 3 units Any one of the following will meet this re­ quirement. I 00 Introduction to Communication 170 Princip les and Types of Discussion 18 1 Introduction to Argumentation and Debate 220 Voice and Articulat ion 280 Oral Interpretation

Interpretive Systems, the Church and Last Things Electi ve in biblical or theological studies

3 units

Note. Students who select a liberal arts major may count only a total of 30 units of biblical stud ies and theology toward the required units for a degree. (Biblical studies and Christian educat ion majors may count unlimited biblical studies or theology units toward the required units for a degree.) The maximum limit for recognized corre­ spondence courses in Bible is six units.


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