
Biblical Studies and Theology A Division of Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology Dean : Wendell G. Johnston, ThD Associate Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Wayne S. Flory, Th.M , Undergraduate Director Faculty Professors: Kurtaneck, Mitchell Associate Professors: Enns, Pierce, Flory Assistant Professors: Black, Curtis, Wilkins Instructors: Chute, Moore Objectives: Coursework in biblical stud­ ies and theology is central to the Biola Uni­ versity curriculum. Upon completion of any degree program, it is intended the stu­ dent will be acquainted with biblical con­ tent through the grammatico-histoncal method of interpretation; have a grasp of the ma101· doctrines of the Word of God and have a g1·eater spiritual maturity, which will enable the student- to serve the Chris­ tian community effectively. Department Major: Biblical studies and theology majors must take all of the gener­ al Bible requirements. excludi ng the three­ unit elective. In addition, each major will choose an area of emphasis and complete the required courses the1·ein. Old Testament Emphasis: Ma1ors desir­ ing to place a stronger emphasis in Old Testament studies are required to take the following courses: Old Testament Theol­ ogy (OT 450), nine units upper division Old Testament elect ives from the follow­ ing courses: 300, 3 I 0, 430 or 440 ; three units upper division New Testament elec­ tive; histo1·y 304, 321, Hebrew IO I, I 02, 20 I. 202; Greek IO 1-102. New Testament Emphasis: Majors de­ siring to place a stronger emphasis in New Testament studies are required to take the

3 I 3 INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHIC DESIGN I (3) Introduction to design principles, commu­ nication and skills in graphic art design as applied to visual communication . Prerequi ­ site: Core requirement Fee: $15. 315 CONTEMPORARY ART TRENDS (3) A study of art produced si nce 1970, focus­ ing on current movements within the in­ ternational art community. 322 PHOTOGRAPHY II (3) Further study in technique of black and white and introduction to color photogra­ phy covering creative and technical as­ pects. Prerequisite: 221. Fee $30.00 (See also Communication 246) 408 DRAWING IV (3) Drawing with an emphasis on personal ex­ perimentation. Fee: $15.00. 410 SEMINAR IN ART (1-6) Independent study in areas of concentra­ tion under faculty direction with emphasis in history, studio and creative research. Prerequisite: Consent Seminars may be repeated. 41 I CERAMICS Ill (3) Advanced clay forming and glaze formula­ tion will be studied including sculptural forms in clay and dinnerware production. Further study on ceramic design and per­ sonal aesthetics. Prerequisite: 304 or con­ sent Fee: $25. 412 INTERNSHIP IN GRAPHIC ART TECHNOLOGY (3) Internship program with local art studios, graphic art firms and publishing companies. 413 PAINTING Ill (3) Concentration on developing imaginative resources of t he individual through the use of oils and acrylics. Color, shape, image, vi ­ sual ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisite Consent Fee: $15.

414 PAINTING IV (3) Concentration on developing imaginative resources of the individual through the use of oils and acrylics. Color, shape, image, vi­ sual ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisite: 413 or consent Fee: $15. 415 SCULPTURE Il l (3) Experimental scu lpture. Advanced individ­ ual development of style and aesthet ics . Prerequisite 210. Fee: $25. 416 SCULPTURE IV (3) Concentration on independent creativity covering a wide range of media and meth­ ods with an emphasis on the formation of ideas and their interpretations. Prerequi­ site: 41 5 or consent Fee: $25. 417 PRINTMAKING Ill (3) Emphasis on color problems in intaglio and lithography. May be repeated. Prerequisite: 3 I 0. Fee: $15.00. 418 CERAMICS IV (3) Experimental ceramics. Advanced individ­ ual development of style and aesthetics. Prerequisite 41 I . Majors only. Fee: $25. 419 GRAPHIC DESIGN II (3) Offered al­ ternate years. Problems of advertising layout and graphic techniques in advertising design; tech­ niques and materials appl ied to projects, package and brochure design. Prerequisite: 3 I 3 or consent Fee: $ I 5. 420 GRAPHIC DESIGN Ill (3) Offered al­ ternate years . Independent study in applied projects in graphic design. Prerequisite: 4 19 or con­ sent Fee: $15. 421 PRINTMAKING IV (3) Research in advanced intaglio and lithog­ raphy. May be 1·epeated. P1·e1·equisite: 41 7. Fee $15.00. 460 SENIOR ART EXHIBIT (0) Preparation for senior a1·t exhibition under diection of faculty member. Required of all art majors.

following courses: New Testament Theol­ ogy (NT 450), 12 units upper division New Testament courses as follows: three units in the gospels, three units in the epistles and six units open electives; Romans (NT 320); history 304, 32 1. 324; three units up­ per division Old Testament elective; and Greek IO I, I 02, 20 I, 202. Bible Emphasis: Majors desiring to have a general knowledge of the whole Bible are required to take the following courses: Romans (NT 320), Old Testament or New Testament Theology (OT 450, NT 450), six units upper division Old Testament electives, six un its upper division New Tes­ tament electives, six units upper division Old Testament or New Testament or the­ ology electives, history 304, 32 1 and Greek IO I, I 02, 20 I , 202. Pre-Seminary Emphasis: MaJors desiring a biblical education or foundation for fur ­ ther studies in seminary are required to take: Romans (NT 320), Old Testament or New Testament Theology (OT 450, NT 450), six units upper division Old Testa­ ment electives. six units upper division New Testament electives, three units up­ per division Old Testament or New Testa­ ment or theology electives. Logic (PH 205) or Ethics (PH 305), Communication 385 or 386 or 478, History 321, Music 440, Soci­ ology 402, Business 372 and Greek IO I, I02, 20 I, 202. Old Testament Studies Required Courses For All Students IO I EARLY HEBREW HISTORY (3) A history of Israel's beginnings through the united kingdom, including matters of authorship, dating and the historical-the­ ological setting of the Pentateuch and early historical books. I 02 LATER HEBREW HISTORY (3) A continuation of Israel's history from the divided kingdom through the post­ exilic period, including matters of author­ ship, dating and historic-theological setting of the later historical books, poetic and wisdom literature and the prophetic books.


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