
300 EARLY CHRISTIAN HISTORY - ACTS (3) The book of Acts with emphasis on the missionary philosophy and activity of t he early church and its current application to m1ss1ons. Elective Courses 3 10 ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS (3) In-depth study of one of the gospels or detailed consideration of problems re lated to several or all of the gospels. 320 ADVANCED STUDIES IN EPISTO­ LARY LITERATURE (3) Selected epistles consideri ng genuine­ ness and authenticity, exposition of the text and investigation of problem passages.

Elective Courses 300 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT HISTORYAND THEOL­ OGY (3) Rel igious, cultural, political and theologi­ cal investigations of Israelite history in key portions of the Old Testament. 3 10 STUDIES IN BIBLICAL BACK­ GROUNDS (3) The contributions of archaeology, his­ torical geography, manners and customs in light of speci fi c Biblical texts. 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT POETIC AND WISDOM LITERATURE (3) Various types of poet ic and wisdom lit­ eratures emphasizing poetic devices and principles of interpretation. 440 ADVANCED STUDIES IN OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY (3) Selections from the major or minor prophets in light of literary, historical and theological considerat ions. 450 OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY (3) Introduction to the history of the disci­ pline; a consideration of the basic themes developed in the Old Testament from the standpoint of biblical theology An in-depth study of a limited group of writers, t hemes, or a selection of literature from a particu­ lar period of Israel's history may form a portion of the cou rse. New Testament Studies Required Courses For All Students 20 I NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE I (3) Literature of the four gospels; use of narrative, historical method, sources; au­ t horship and content of each gospel; the synoptic problem and contribution of each gospel to the knowledge of Christ. 202 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE II (3) Epistolary form, content. theological contribution, canonicity and interpretation; historical background in comparison with the book of Acts.

220 INDUCT IVE BIBLE STUDY (3) Inductive study applied to biblical narra­ tive and epistolary literature. 470 BIBLICAL SEMINAR (3) Smal l group studies utilizing technique of problem solving, research, formal writing and communication of results. Prerequi ­ site: consent. 480 BIBLICAL RESEARCH ( 1-3) Traditional and contemporary problems in biblical areas. Prerequisite: consent. Systematic Theological Studies Required Courses For All Students I00 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Doctrine of the Scriptures as inspired by God, a completed revelation in the books recognized as canonical: the incorporation of a Biblical foundation into personal Chris­ tian growth and witness. 300 GOD. CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT (3) God, His existence, unity, trinitarian dis­ tinctions, attributes, decrees and works; the theanthropic person of Christ; the Holy Spirit. 3 10 MAN, SIN AND SALVATION (3) The study of man in his origins, nature and perfections in the image of God; the origin, character, transmission, effect and punishment of sin; the saving work of the 410 INTERPRETIVE SYSTEMS, THE CHURCH AND LAST THINGS (3) The major interpretive-theological sys­ tems, especially covenant theology and its various subdivisions; historical premil lennialism and dispensationalism: the church in its universal and local aspects; the last things, including the tribulation, return of Christ. the Kingdom, resurrection and Judgment. triune God as carried out in the redemptive act centeri ng in Christ.


In-depth studies in specific areas of the­ ology, such as bibliology, angelology and so­ teriology. May be repeated for a maximum of six units with different content. Consent required. 468 THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS (3) The biblical basis of missions and the po­ sition of missions in the li fe of the Church. 480 THEOLOGICAL RESEARCH ( 1-3) Research in the solution of specific doc­ trinal problems. Sections offered in areas such as biblical authority, contemporary problems, missions, prophetic problems and doctrinal bibliography Consent re­ quired. Upper division New Testament credit can be given for taking either or both of Greek 405 , 406. "Bible For Graduates" Program There is a recognized need for a spe­ cialized program in biblical studies for the college or professional school graduate who wishes to be better prepared for Christian service. Biola offers such a course of study This course is not intended as a substitute for theological seminary educa­ tion or a Bible institute study diploma pro­ gram, but is designed to give the graduate who has not had a solid foundation in the Word of God such a foundation. Thi s course is designed to impart to the gradu­ ate student sound biblical knowledge through the three principal systems of Bi­ ble study: survey, analysis and exposition. It is intended that this course of study will foster independent study of the Word. In the event that the student has had any of the requ ired courses in the program, ap­ propriate substitut ions may be made. It is believed that the thirty units required in the program will give the student a broad background in a relatively short period of time. A course of study leading to the Mas­ ter of Arts degree is available through Biola's graduate school, Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology Please see page GI for- details.


ESCHATOLOGICAL LITERATURE (3) New Testament prophetic texts such as Matthew 24 and 25, I and II Thessalonians and Revelat ion. 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN NEW TESTAMENT HISTORYAND THEOLOGY (3) Religious, cultural, political and theologi­ cal investigation of key portions of the New Testament. 450 NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGY (3) Introduction to the history of New Tes­ tament theology; a consideration of t he bas ic themes developed in the New Testa­ ment from the standpoint of biblical theol­ ogy An in-depth study of a writer. writers or kind of literature in the New Test ament may form a portion of the course.

General Biblical Studies Electives Courses 120 GUIDED STUDY ( 1-3)

For those needing odd units to com­ plete their Bible requirement. Readings with written reports on biblical and/or the­ ological subjects. Prerequisite: consent of the dean.


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