
Department of Biological Science Raphael Payne, MS, Chair Faculty Associate Professors: Eddington, Lin, Payne Associate Professor: Kuld Objectives: Upon completion of the biological science major, it is intended that the student be able to: evaluate and apply the scientific method to historical and cur­ rent problems in the field of biology and relate it to broader applications in life; inte­ grate pertinent scriptural principles with known biological facts; know basic biologi­ cal funct ions of living organisms and relate these functions to a better understanding of himself; communicate by using scientific language and technical terminology; identi­ fy the interrelationships between the var­ ious biological disciplines; state the levels of biological organization (hierarchy); explain the relationship of chemistry to biological systems; understand energy dynamics in biological systems; discuss the conceptual framework of population biology; describe the processes of genetics at the molecular and organismal levels; explain t he cell the­ ory; express the scriptural view of creation and discuss the theories of evolution and origins; construct a taxonomic system for some category of organisms; use and un­ derstand the theory behi nd some of the instrumentation and techniques currently used in scientific investigation; describe the control systems of plants· and animals (hor­ monal, neural, muscular, etc.); and integrate environmental and natural history con­ cepts with recreation and camping philos­ ophy and administration.

Admission Requirements High school requirements are: one year chemistry, one year physics and three years mathematics. One year of biology is desirable. Deficiencies can be fulfilled with permission from the department of bio­ logical science. Admission to the outdoor education major is by written application, a paper from the student and a personal in­ terview. I00 BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES - LEC­ TURE (3) Unifying principles of biology with em­ phasis on human organ systems, ecology and principles of genetics. Not open to bi­ ology majors except those with an empha­ sis in outdoor education. I IO OBSERVATIONAL BIOLOGY - LABORATORY (2) Observational and investigative ap­ proach to biological processes; partial sur­ vey of microorganisms, plants and animals. Three hours laboratory, one hour lecture/ discussion. Prerequisite: I00 (preferably taken concu r rent ly). Lab fee: $20. 111GENERAL BIOLOGY (4) Introductory majors course dealing with principles of cell and molecular biology, ge­ netics, natural selection and ecology. Labo­ ratory emphasis on investigative approach and experimental techniques of current day biology. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Lab fee: $20. 120 CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOLOGY (3) Selected topics of current popular inter­ est and concern in the areas of environ­ ment, human biology, disease, nutrition and ecology.

Depar tment Minor: 20 units, 14 of which must be upper division. The core curriculum is recommended unless specific needs dictate otherwise. Specific minor re­ quirements are to be approved by a de­ partmental advisor. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a bi­ ology major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four un its of a college language. Curriculum charts for biology, pre-med, health related, education and outdoor education may be obtained in the depart­ mental office: Science Hall, Room I 13. Also available is a course sequence sched­ ule listing when alternate year courses will be offered. Most laboratory courses in biological sci­ ence have a $20 laboratory fee. Vocational Scope The biological science major is intended to have strength in the foundations of mathematics, physics and chemistry. Breadth in the major areas of biology is in­ cluded in the core curriculum to serve as a base for advanced or more specialized study. The scope of the core curriculum emphasizes the principles of biology in all forms of life. The biological science major is intended to prepare students for the fol­ lowing (I) further study in the health relat­ ed fields (medicine, dentistry, medical tech­ nology, physical therapy, physician assistant, veterinary medicine, pharmacy); (2) further study in the teaching fields (college, nursing, health sciences); (3) graduate study in gen­ eral biology or a specific area within biol­ ogy (zoology, botany and microbiology); (4) terminal study in primary or secondary education; (5) biology applied to agricul­ ture, business, missions; and (6) camp ad­ ministratiorvnaturalist, outdoor educator.

Biological Science Major Requirements for General Bi­ ology, Pre-Med or Med-Tech for the Bachelor of Science Degree The core curriculum in biology requires 40 units, including I I I, 21 I, 222, 312, 322, 40 I, and either 470 or 450 and a minimum of four units of lower division electives and 14 units of upper division electives. (Biol ­ ogy 21 I is replaced by 271 or 30 I for med-tech emphasis.) Thirty-two units of supporting sciences are required; 18 in chemistry and 14 in mathematical and physical sciences. The eight units of general education science requirement are met by the completion of the major if at least 3 units of math are completed within the major requirements. Biological Education (Secondary) Requirements For the Bachelor of Science Degree Biology requirements are 40 units, in­ cludi ng I I 0, I I I , 21 I , 222, 3 12, 322, 40 I and either 470 or 450 and a minimum of two units of lower division electives and 14 units of upper division electives. Eighteen units of supporting sciences including Chemistry I05, I06 and 30 I . The eight units of general education science requ ire­ ment are met if at least three units of math are completed within the major require­ ments. Professional education courses re­ quired by the department of education are 300,330,425 and 435.


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