
Marketing Courses 330 MARKE71NG (3)

325 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (3) Mathematical programmi ng with em­ phasis on problems in management and economics. Includes appl ications in pro­ duction control, scheduling, inventory con­ trol, PERT and network fiow problems. Fundamental mathematical optimization and measurement theory problems. Pre­ requis ites 190, 202, 223, 32 1. (See also cos 325). 361, 362 BUSINESS LAW (3, 3) First semester: Function of law in our society, crimes, intentional torts, negli­ gence, contracts. Un iform Commercial Code, sales, agency and negotiable instru­ ments. Second semester: Property, part­ nerships, corporations, landlord and ten­ ant, security agreements, bankruptcy and business regulation. Prerequisite for 362 is 36 1; requires upper division standing. 415 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZA­ T ION (3) Principles of management: planning, controll ing, organizing, organizational be­ havior and communicat ion, management of confi ict and change, busi ness ethics and societal relationships. Prerequisites: 20 I , 212, Psychology 200. 450 D IRECTED STUDIES ( 1-3) Extensive exploration of the literature in a selected field of busi ness or economics under faculty guidance. Prerequisites: up­ per division standing and consent. May be repeated with different section title for maximum of six units. 464 SMA LL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) Methods, problems and factors involved in launching and operating a small mercantile or service business. Prerequi­ site: 330, 370 or consent. 470 RESEARCH (3) Methods of modern research in busi­ ness and industry, with projects designed to provide actual research experience. Prerequisites: 202, 321, 330, 362, 370, 415 .

432 MARKETING RESEARCH (3) Research methods and applications in advertising, distribution, product develop­ ment. Identification of data sources. Col­ lection, analysis and interpretation of data in solving marketing problems. Preparation of research reports. Prerequisites: 321, 334, 420 or consent. 435 INDUSTRIAL MARKETING (3) Analysis of environment in which indus­ trial products are marketed to industrial firms, governments, and institutions. Strat­ egies and case studies . Student project re­ quired. Prerequisite: 4 3 1. 436 RETAIL MANAGEMENT (3) Examination and evaluation of changing concepts of retailing and merchandising from a management viewpoint. Philosophy of modern management and measures of retail productivity are employed in individ­ ual student field projects. Prerequ isite 330 or permission. Quantitative Management 190 BUSINESS STATI STICS (3) Col lection and presentation of business data, central tendency and dispersion mea­ sures for business analysis, sampling and in­ ference for hypothesis testing and quality control, business forecasting with simple and multiple regression, index numbers. Prerequisite: consent. 221 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (3) How computers work; computer lan­ guage; flow charts; simple problems in computer programming and in data pro­ cessing. 223 CALCULUS FOR MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (4) See Mathematical Sciences I 03 for de­ scription. Prerequisite: qualifying exam ad­ mi nistered by the business department.

32 1 MANAGEMENT INFO RMATION SYSTEMS(3) Informati on systems, t heir design, imple­ mentat ion and contribution to manage­ ment planning, decision maki ng and con­ tro l. Prerequisites I I I , 2 12, 221 . (See also cos 341). 420 ADVANCED BUSI N ESS STATISTICS (3) Application of statistical inference to business situations; sampling distribution, theory of estimation and tests of hypoth­ esis, li near hypothesis theory, decision the­ ory, regression and correlat ion, experi­ mental design and non-parametric statis­ tics. Prerequisites 190, 223.

Methods, policies and principles of mod­ ern marketi ng syst ems; various channels of distribution and fut ure trends. Prerequi­ site: 190 and 20 I . 331 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR (3) Consumer buyi ng patterns, decision making, motivation and behavior. Behav­ ioral science applied to the solution of marketing problems. Behavioral research techniques. Prerequisites: 221, 330, Psy­ chology 200. 334 ADVERTISI NG PRINCIPLES (3) Advertising methods currently used for promotion of products, services, ideas, and events by business firms, trade associ­ ations and commul) ity o rganizations, in ­ cluding the church; ass igned student projects. Prerequ isite: I I I or consent, 330. 336 SALES MANAGEMENT (3) Analysis of the sales manager as a pro­ fessional market tacti cian in a marketi ng fi rm. Includes su r vey of personal sell ing ef­ fort with emphasis on interrelationships between sales activity and related market­ ing functions. Involves theoretical and ap­ plied approaches utilized to manage a field sales force effectively. Prerequisite: 330 or perm1ss1on. 43 1 MARKETI NG MANAGEMENT (3) Planning and implementing marketi ng policies and strat egy. Developing marketi ng mix. O rganizi ng and admi nisteri ng the marketi ng and sales department. Plann ing distribution channels of consumer and in­ dustrial goods. Forecasting and budgeting. Market analysis. Marketing problems. Pub­ lic policy in marketi ng. Prerequisites: 190, 20 I 202, 22 1, 330, 334, 370 or consent.


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